What is Going on?

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Ana proceed at their table, Kyle, Josh and Ely starts their lunch already. They didn't wait for Liza. Ana took the chair and start to eats her lunch.

"What is going on between you and my brother?" Josh asked.

"Nothing!" Ana answered without looking at Josh she continue to focused on her food.

"You know, that's how Ely answered me when I asked her about Josh" Kyle teases both her and Ely. He moved on from his heartbreak with Ely. He's really happy for her and Josh, he don't hold any grudge for Ely. They remained good friends. And what happened between them became a personal joke to everyone.

"Dude" Josh cuts him off "Get over it will yah!"

Ely and Ana laugh softly. They find it really cute when Josh acts as if he's jealous of Kyle.

"Seriously though" Kyle said "I've noticed you and Johnny" he looks at Ana firmly.

"What?" Ana furrowed her eyebrows.

"You're at high pitch" Ely chuckles "You're trying to avoid the topic."

"I am not" Ana said, she's still at her high pitch.

"My wife is right" Josh wrapped his other arms at Ely's "You can't tone your high pitch down; something is going on between you and my brother."

"Both of you left their wedding" Kyle continues to insist on the topic "You left together, the next day which is yesterday, Johnny came late and he was never late ever."

"Yeah" Josh agreed Kyle "And Johnny didn't check on me yesterday and it's only now I realized that you're with me yesterday that's why he didn't come near me, he's avoiding you and he kept himself locked in his trailer, the question is why my brother is avoiding you?"

"And what do you guys talk about" Kyle asks "You seem upset"

"I am not upset" Ana said.

Ely was about to say something when Liza came in, she paused.

"What is going on?" Liza asks everyone on the table.

"Nothing!" In unison.

Liza rests her chin on her knuckles; she gazed at everyone on the table and said: "why do I have a feeling that you are hiding something from me?"

"You really don't want us to answer that Liza" Kyle said sarcastically.

"And why not?" Liza said, he bites at Kyle's sarcasm and challenge him.

"Because we can't trust you anymore, you spread rumors." Kyle said straight at her face.

"I beg your pardon!" Liza said with annoyance, her plan was to irritate Kyle, it turn out he irritates her. "I happen to write real story not rumors."

"Duh!" Kyle sarcasm seems further.

Ana laughs, that's how she and Kyle talked when they are on social media.

"Is there something funny Ana" Liza sounds sarcastic, but Ana knows she didn't mean it that way.

"Nothing, it's just that you and Kyle are so cute together." Ana said

"This isn't about me and her" Kyle interrupts Ana "This is about you and..." Kyle paused and looks at Liza

"What about her and who?" Liza is curious.

"You know if you remained to be Ely's manager and didn't work for that tabloid you will have the benefit of knowing things." Kyle smiled with sarcasm.

"First of all, I'm still Ely's manager. Second I don't work for a tabloid, it's a newspaper, and third it's not a job, it's a part time job." Liza explained disgustedly at Kyle.

"Yeah and you write lies for a part time job, that's very noble." Kyle continues to annoy Liza.

"Remind me again what is your job Mister, you direct fiction, it's all lie, while me on the other hand I'm not lying" Liza opened her eyes widely. "It's not a lie, you're pathetic and Ely doesn't love you that was the truth Kyle."

"Okay" Josh intervenes "That's enough"

Kyle rests his arm on his knee while he gives Liza a hard look. Liza fought against his gazed with Kyle, she never lowered her eyes. Kyle shook his head while he swallowed his food his eyes still locks at Liza's.

Ana finished her lunch quickly then she stands up.

"Wait, where are you going" Ely asks.

"I am going to take a nap" Ana winks at her then she left the table.

"Wait" Kyle chased Ana "I'm not done talking to you."

"Bah" Liza followed them and said "She will talk to me not you" she pulled Kyle's shirt.

Josh and Ely are laughing while they watched Liza and Kyle pulled each other away from each other as they chased Ana.

"Aren't they looking lovely together?" Josh said to Ely.

Ely gasped and said: "You don't think..." her eyes opened widely with her mouth open.

"Sweetheart" Josh gazed at his wife tenderly "Man and woman who can't take each other... it's a sure chick lit movie flicks.

"Or" Ely smiled back at Josh tenderly "sure chick lit novel"

They kissed softly and then chuckles afterwards.

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