Chapter 1

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       How can one tell you which path to take or where to go? I sit and watch the embers light up the night as the ever growing flames lick the wood greedily, dissolving into nothingness. Another night under the black sparkling sky on the edge of the thicken woods; I curled up onto my side awaiting sleep. But I know that this factor is one I dream of in the day. Always moving and never truly getting to the destination of travel. How can I say this if it’s not already true? Rolling onto my back, arms underneath my aching neck, I turn my eyes towards the sky, such a vast amount of space able to withstand so many things all at once. The stars twinkle brightly shinning above me as I enjoy the presentation they display. Walking and never stopping always alert when vulnerable- times like these are forever running through my head. I knew above all else, I wanted to be free. Free. Free from myself and free from all the bindings I’ve been attached to since infancy.

“None seem to be awake at this hour.”

“Good thing too. Hefty profit in some of these wenches. Best make sure. That one by the woods don’t look ‘sleep to me tho’.”

I knew those two ‘men’ were talking about me. I could hear the movement of fabric swishing together as the ground thrummed under their heavy steps. I lay there motionless staring into nothing. My face blank.

“She don’t look to me like she’ll be movin’ any time soon.”

“O course not. This ones got a chain ‘round her neck attached to the bosses arm. Had trouble with her b’for, thing tried runnin’ away. Won’t be lon’ now, t’morra we’ll be at the destination.”

I got kicked in my side as they walked away. Another bruise to add to my growing collection.

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