Chapter 31

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(A/N: I don't see where this chapter becomes PG-13, sorry for the inconvience)

My younger sister followed me.

Knew me for who I was.

Watched me as the rest grew old and I didn’t move.

A spitting, almost mirror image of myself;

Except the eyes.

Mine were a black and speckled ocean blue.

Hers; a deep purple.

We were twins…For the most part.

After my encounter with Rayne, we drifted…

We hardly spoke.

Our parents told anyone who would listen about how I was the chosen one.

People looked up to me.

Made me shine as an 18 year old who had been used and was thought the best thing ever for the world.

I hated it.

I wanted justice.

I never got it.

My sister left the house when news got out 3 races would exist in the same world

That I was the creator and the rest were my pawns.

Trying several times to be non-existent, I wanted to be like the rest of my family, I wanted my life to end.

Now I realised I wasn’t the only one left, I now realised the one I thought I lost was the one I missed the most.

My sister,


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