Chapter 4

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It must have been eternity.

At once I had the nerve to try and do something about being held hostage, only now it seemed unnecessary.

    “What the bloody hell!”

They could see my bruised and once bloody neck. I was raised to stand but I doubled over at my left side as I tried once again not to be a nuisance. My tattered dress had been ripped in various places I tried to cover up, but to no prevail.

    “This was your trouble.”

It was no question but an outraged statement.

I kept my eyes to the floor until I was made to look up and into eyes I thought would kill me the first chance I was left alone with them.

    “How long have you been with these hideous sellers?”

    “Seven months.” My voice came out as I complied to the question.


The look on my face made it clear I wasn’t going to take my clothes off in fronts of these men.

    “I do not doubt you have good intentions, Sirs, but I will not take off my attire in front of these ‘men’.”

Shocked and stunned the royals as I spoke directly to them, my voice strong and to the point as I could be.

    “You have a voice.”

Another pointed out statement.

    “Rosia, take her behind the curtain over there to allow her some decent privacy.”                                        

I was directed where to go and did as I was told. The girl nearly ran out as she saw my body with her own eyes.

  “M…My Lords!”

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