Chapter 11

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    I was running.

Running faster then I’ve ever had to in my life.

My falchions in my hands ready to attack if the enemy were to sneak upon me. As I went to strike from behind, they turned. My blades cut deeply into their cement like skin, sinking in like the finest Chinese silk. What had me stuck; the thing that I couldn’t finish my assignment, were those patronizing blood red eyes. They held questions, guilt, pity and an emotion I haven’t been able to feel since I can remember. Sorrow.

I woke up to those haunting same eyes hovering over me, making me scream holy terror. The cloud I was on wasn’t even a couch or a bed but a body. As I shot off what I thought was a corpse, I tripped causing instinct reflexes to arise. The movement was inaudible to the human eyes and ears but Vampires could see and hear it crystal clear as if it were meant to happen.

The stance I took was one that could be known to catch me off guard. Legs, hard and slightly apart ready if must be and my arms in a position not apart of the stance but holding my left side.

Something I could have prevented, only to allow it to come for I wanted to be done with the life I use to live.

The royals were questioning the actions and all-at-once scene that I displayed right in front of their eyes. I knew that my cover, my past, the haunting undissolving life I wanted to erase from whom I was, shone at full force. The deepest black ever existing. My eyes.

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