Chapter 30

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Something was chucked to hit me only missing me with the force it was thrown at. As it passed me I could feel a death glare given my way and the pounding of feet on the ground. I moved out of the way with centimetres to spare as this person desperately freaked out.

Every time she swung at me I blocked it with ease, not breaking a sweat. No matter what she professed to be the strongest or hardest blow, I counter attacked and blocked as if they were nothing. In no time her moves came slower, weaker, yet she still struggled to through punches.

Grabbing one falchion from my back in my right hand, I threatened her with it.

    “If you haven’t figured it out yet, I don’t know who the hell you are. So if you’re not going to tell me, get lost. I don’t want to be the one that ends your life.”

Straying away from face point, I looked in her eyes one last time before heading on my way yet again back to the castle. The girl didn’t follow or speak but I swear I heard her jump.

Listening closely, I turned at the same moment she came down from airborne. Catching her neck, I put her in a sleep hold. Her body fell limb as her eyes fluttered closed. Putting my falchion away, I carried her bridal style up to the castle.

You wouldn’t think that this person was a feisty little thing or that she didn’t take too kindly to people who ignored her. As the sun’s raise declined for another day, my mind was on over drive to find out who exactly she was and how she knew me at all.

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