Chapter 3

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    As the day grew on, food and water were given out once. The weather didn’t get any clearer as more people could be heard and a city could be seen up a head. By mid-day, we were within the city walls and being guided to the castle.

I so badly wanted to be free. Too many people kept staring at me. The chain became heavier with every pair of eyes. The main gate opened as we approached. The courtyard quickly became grand oak doors opening into the castle.

The girls collected were formed into a line facing a wall of a room we went into. I was passed off and made to sit with my back against the wall as one of the men held onto my ‘leash’.

It wasn’t long before we were accompanied by four men…. Actually make that 10.

I watched in silence.

The ones that we were being sold to, were dressed in clothes that didn’t seem fit for them to wear on a daily bases. Heavy, thick and way too uncomfortable would be the words to describe them.

I glanced at the other two that pronounced that they would be beside their masters at all times. It seems they were ready to kill at any chance they received.

The others were just guards.

Nothing too important there.

    “I thought you claimed there was trouble? All of these women don’t look as if the road would take

you seven months to complete such a simple task.”

I bowed my head to hide the laughter building within my chest.

    “My Lords, there was trouble but we were able to stop it.”

    “What could be such trouble that you took care of?”

The suspense was killing me.

Here was the head seller struck dumb trying to think of a way to explain his ‘journey’ without getting into trouble. I couldn’t hold in my laughter for much longer and that’s when I doubled over and let it all out into the now quiet and very still room. I knew my outburst would give the seller holding me a chance to have an excuse to abuse me for my ‘bad’ behaviour.

    “What’s up with that one over there?”

I could feel bodies coming closer to where I lay but I daren’t move at a time like this. My eyes grazing at the shoes of one of the men, I felt like an animal being concerned for.

HA! Like that would ever happen!

    “My Lords, she’s just gone silly some how. Please, take a look at this one here.”

They didn’t move from where they stood.

I didn’t know if it was my place of not but I sat upright once again, this time trying to release the hold around my neck.

    “Release her.”

    “My Lords?”

    “I said release the chain upon her neck.”

    “May I be so bold and say that she will run away.”

    “I gave an order. Are you unwilling to comply?”

    “N…No Sire.”

    “Good now do as I say.”

With that I was finally able to move from my chain. My prison.

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