Chapter 40

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The last flame clung to the little bit of ash coloured coal it could to stay alive, as the rain came in thick amounts. Smoke from the wood ceased to exist as the deep pit filled with sky water fast. Lifting my face towards the deadly black above me, I felt the rain hammer my skin as if nails were being forced into my skull. Wind, fierce and powerful, whipped my hair about my head with such intensity, small paper like cuts made up the stinging feeling I could feel. Clothes drenched stained with blood and water stuck to my skin, making me want to quickly peel them off in front of everyone around.

We were out side. Not for enjoyment but to get the point across. Paitreaunna and Evaleen refused to understand the uproar within society today. They blindly followed the ‘Elders’ whom claimed that I wasn’t real to my face. We were left with a surprise ‘clean up’. Some one working for the elders leaked information to Rayne. I guess he didn’t take lightly to the information given. He sent Shadows to do a job and a gruesome on at that. 

Shadows didn’t give time to reconsider. They were the deadliest things. Only the Devil would care to use them… seems he had a few extra to spare. When they finish a job, they leave it for their enemies to find not caring about the mess or smell.


 I turned my face from the sky to my right, Meric and Kyan were there.

“Hope you’re not giving any remorse. There’s no point. They got what they deserved for being ignorant.” 

The guys put a hand each on one of my shoulders.

“We’re not that hard done by. Plus having a small getter going brawl was fun. You were wicked! But seriously, Paitreaunna and Evaleen had it coming to them from the start. Suck up wenches they were.”

“Come, let’s got inside and out of this crazy weather.”

The both of them were cheerier than normal so I allowed my spirits to brighten.

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