Chapter 39

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“Anika! I’m sorry!”

It’s been a month.

Everyone has followed me so far.

Asking what they should do to help. When they see me, they start swearing an oath in the old tongue. Today I’ve had enough. Anyone who starts pledging to me, I smack them on the back of the head to shut them up. King Tryden has gotten into the fighting. He works his 20,000 solders to the best they can be. A majority of them are Vampires and Lycins considering the fact that the others die so easily. 18,000, the same amount with every force. More skilled and deadlier than the mere 2,000 men and women who fight for what they believe in.  


I kept walking away. Down different hallways, up stairs, jumping to high balconies yet Asriela, my sister, kept right behind me. I had enough and fell from the highest point in the castle to the first floor not breaking or spraining anything. She was right behind me.

“Why are you following me?! Shouldn’t you be outside advancing with the others?” I had turned towards her with questions on demand.

“I know you probably hate me. We’re the same blood, same body yet you were given everything, I was jealous. I’m sorry.”

I raised an eyebrow at her.

“How is it you’re still alive Asriela? You have yet to tell me that vital information.”

“I … I went to Rayne after you confronted him. He told me to drink some of his blood. The Gods were displeased with me. I’m not anything any more. A shell. A worthless, devoted and loyal servant to the Devil. I’m to have no purpose for being on this earth. You are the only one who can save me.”

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