Chapter 38

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The look on my parents faces were ones I promised to never forget. I recall how, when I informed them of what Rayne had done, their expressions went from discuss to enthusiasm. They were stupid. They didn’t care about the fact that I was raped, only the higher status we received from the village for having a ‘chosen’ sent by the Gods into the family. I was appalled. Rayne confessed that he had to find himself. At a certain point he met one of the Gods when he was at the brink of death. He had asked for one thing; for me and him to live forever. As centuries went by we would remain forever more, unchanging and never forgetting. His wish was granted but in return had to fulfil the Gods’ wish. That was to get me pregnant before I turned 18. 

The world needed something new and I would be destined to help it along. I hated the life given to me. I never asked for it. Rayne wasn’t Michael. He wasn’t the one I knew so well. When I confronted him, yelled in his face at how I hated him for what he had done, ready to kill him on the spot with the blades I learnt to use skilfully, his eyes- blood red- almost black- looked into mine unblinking. They held emotions I could never remove from my mind. Just how they gave confusion, guilt, pity, and sorrow never stopped haunting me. Tears streamed down his face. The words that flowed out of his mouth ring in my head from time to time. 

“I thought you wanted to last forever with me? To be together was our dream. If you hate me this much I’m sorry. Please just allow me to live my life. We’ll go our separate ways. But if we happen to cross each others’ path, I don’t plan to give mercy. You must become mine.”

I didn’t take well to threats so I shouted back in my furry.

“I will never be yours. A bloody battle will come about and one of us must die for the other to live peacefully, until it’s time for us to pass into a sleep not allowing us to ever come back.”

The words came from my mouth jaggedly. 

“Then Anika, prepare for the worst. The day you beg to be by my side like you were destined to be will come. Just you wait.”

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