Chapter 13

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    Races all over the world even mythical were said to be born from one Mother: one that over time would be hunted for who she was. All of them at one point gathered together to form ultimate power. None succeeded. Time proceeded and slowly everyone, including the Mother herself forgot how gruesome times truly were. Being able to do everything, she held the true power in her very grasp.

Humans so clueless use religions and obscured things to replace what their pitiful minds lack.

Mythical creatures such as Lycins and Vampires turned to claiming power and becoming ‘royals’ from what they were in medieval times.

There came a time when a Vampire actually got close in killing this Mother but coming in the day nearly at deaths clutches, lost. Instead of killing her, he turned her giving the already ruler of all some features his people had to live with for eternity.

Over time Mother succumbed into fighting her children using weapons she learned to specialize in for all accounts. Earth became populated with Humans but being greedy, war, and disease and so much more thrust upon them.

Lycins and Vampires hide and come out during the night giving the world so much more population. But trying to destroy each other is the best.

As for the Father of all creation……. No one knows. 

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