Chapter 15

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There always comes a time where you swear the world freezes and claims your soul in a choke hold. If you had a heart beat it would pound so fast in your chest it’d burst. The air you try and breathe stops before it enters your mouth and leaves you suffocating, drowning in something you can’t use.

This was one of those times.

I had just finished telling the young royals my story and not a couple minutes later the door bursts open. In that process, I had moved quicker covering up my tracks. Forcing the two beds together, making them messy and shoving Meric and Kyan and I in a position that should only happen behind closed doors. Quickly sending them a message, they knew what parts to play in this act of innocence.

    “Ew! I didn’t want to see that!”

The voice turned into voices in a matter of seconds. Three Vampires came through the now open door way pretending to shield their faces.

    “My virgin eyes!” A tall blonde joked looking straight at the scene. “I think we should have waited, they get us every time. Damn you twins in getting the silent ones!” This guy shook his fist at the twins making his brown hair move as his body followed.

A girl with blazing red hair had shut the door and jumped on the largest couch before the other two could get there, stretching out on it and having cold stares her way, she spoke.

    “Something is up, you’re hiding something and if it’s anything to do with the legends, I want in.”

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