Chapter 20

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SHOUT OUT TO emanmkhan!!! :D

Have you ever been given a sensation that once you’ve felt it, craved more? Or have everything you were thinking of, be swept away in an instant?

At this very moment things I was complaining about seemed distant and this was the most preoccupied substance demanding my attention. Considering the fact that I still needed to breath, I pulled away to look into a face I knew to be full of hatred demanding my blood and head. To see something different in front of my face and eyes things quicken within me. Rayne got up off of me wondering what my reaction would be to his forcefulness. Pulling me up to my feet, my legs gave way making the floor seem so much closer.

     “Such a love for Humans you have Rayne. To think they don’t care about what happens to them when they’re with a Vampire.” Paitreaunna chattered lightly sitting on Kyan’s lap while playing with his shaggy black hair.

Looking to Meric and Evaleen, you could tell she was trying too hard to please him, including with keeping off of trying his patients.

    “Anika, Rayne would like you to follow him, you might want to do so.” Osheianna came after giving a disgusted face to Paitreaunna and Evaleen.

    “Filthy Humans shouldn’t be in the castle and if they are, should be licking the flooring with bleach.”

I hurried out of the room to be embraced by a Vampire. When I looked up scared, I realized it was only Rayne hiding my face from passing guards.

    “How about we fill each other in about those centuries we’ve missed and I can tell you about the girlfriends.”

    “It still doesn’t mean I feel safe alone with you, you know.”

    “I can tell.”

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