Chapter 21

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It was said that there were Vampires who believed at a certain age, you died off and were unable to reincarnate. Reincarnation is not possible for certain Vampires. Living for too long as a species doesn’t call for it. They may be killed but can never revive. The worst kind of Vampires are those who think nothing about the stories being told. Who are ignorant about how they came to be, are the ones who will be the death of them all.

Walking around the castle, I was able to get a feel of where to go. It’s been years since I’ve been here, everyone assumes Tryden is the oldest living Vampire but even Rayne is older than him.

    “Paitreaunna and Evaleen are two of the non-believers; if you didn’t… If I hadn’t done something quick, you wouldn’t be standing next to me. They feel no Human or ‘Mother’ should be in the same room as Meric and Kyan. So no single looking females ‘got it on’ with their men.” Rayne spoke as if it were nothing.

We weren’t standing close to each other, but I could feel the fight he was having with himself about what to do. Aside of him that was from long ago, wanted badly to rip me apart considering I was only two feet away. The other side of him debated on the first as he wanted to keep me alive for something I no not.

    “What the-“A painting of water colour substances hung huge on a wall in front of us. I couldn’t move. I just stood there staring at the scene. A memory so fuzzy it gave me a headache trying to reach it.

    “This is the oldest memory that’s been hidden from the world. It’s how everyone came to be.”

    “But…But…That…It can’t be!” My shock held its position as my whole body followed including my eyes.

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