Chapter 7

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    Walking down many stares and hallways, I wondered if I was ever able to find my way around. The journey came to an end as Rosia knocked on the door awaiting entry. I heard a ‘come in’ as Rosia opened the door pushing me lightly in. Rosia didn’t come in with me. My eyes went straight to the floor. What would I see if I raised my eyes to the ones that had the power to do as they willed?

    “So it seems Meric placed his coat on you, as Kyan destroyed one of the royal top sellers, on top of that have sent back the others to their villages. What do you hold to have both heirs to the thronedo something like this?”

This man was the King. A ruler of a race that most fear for their lives, scared to leave their homes at night afraid that it could be their last, someone that held a knife to my throat making it unable to move without slowly cutting my life line.

The door to my right burst open making me jump and look up.

Meric, the one without a coat came in followed by Kyan. Both were extremely good looking- strike that. Drop dead gorgeous; Black messy hair, skin pale as the moons glow on a dark summer’s night. Built with muscle- as it was easily seen under the clothes they wore. Broad shoulders, long strong arms and legs, hands that looked strong and rough, also held anticipation for erotic findings. I wasn’t able to describe their facial features for I was struck dumb at their beauty.

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