Chapter 22

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Memories are the only way of remembering things that have happened in the past, kept in the back of your mind for as long as you live.

The painting held a night sky. Dark blue with specks taking the forms of stars. In a garden, a path of broken old stones to the right side of the frame. A fountain flowing in the background before a forest, a woman lay on the ground terrified. A man dressed in black pants and a tan coloured shirt stood over her. His hair looking darker in the night, hung loosely in a ribbon tied pony tail. Roses, lilies, tulips and lilacs along with bushes and shrubs filled in on either side of the frame. The two characters were the main focus of the memory. The memory rose to the surface of my mind. I was there.

~The garden was gorgeous at night. I felt at peace when ever I took my place sitting amongst the plants that smelt so pretty. The fountain on added to the calming sensation. My dress in folds as I lay sitting on the ground taking it all in. Someone chuckled deeply from the side I was facing. My face became horrified as I struggled to get away from the person I was told to watch out for, stood only five feet away loving the position I was in.

“Oh Anika! Such a lovely developed woman you have become. Enjoy this as much as I will ok?” He came at me ripping his shirt in the process. I lay there unable to move of feel anything but pain.

“How can you be so cruel?” I cried in staggered breaths.

“We were destined to do this. If you had given in, in the first place, then I wouldn’t be here taking you against your will. We are the chosen one to help this planet become populated with life. Don’t back down from your destiny and welcome the pleasure to be looked upon as the Mother of all, as I will take the place as the Father of all, you standing by my side for all of eternity.”

He left me there feeling violated and in pain. ~

 Who would have known only a couple of months later I became the Mother and populated the world for as it is now.

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