Chapter 8

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    I was a statue but came out of my daze quickly to advert my eyes.

   “That hasn’t happened before.”   

   “What is it you boys want with her? It seems to me you were appalled at the site to do something about it. How are you going to handle her?”

   “Chamber maid.” Both came in union.


The ones I’d be serving started laughing. As they made a start to leave, I followed quietly behind. There were things I knew how to do and prayed they wouldn’t find out. For all they knew, I was a very delicate teenaged girl.

Meric and Kyan spoke in union about everything I noticed or at least finishing each others sentences. I blushed remembering what previously happened. How could I think such a thing!?

    “Actually, that was pretty funny. Father blinked not knowing how to respond, first time in 20 centuries!”

They turned to me making me stop suddenly.

Oh shit. I blinked. They read my mind. Not a good thing. I started putting up my barriers but quickly took them down before they could notice.

    “You’re an interesting girl. How old are you?” We finally started walking again but I became the center of attention.

    “If I’m correct about the date, I’ll be 18 in a few weeks.”

    “I love that age, a very pleasurable time.” Meric dragged the second last word and gave it hidden meanings. Kyan stopped at a door.

    “Welcome to our room and where you’ll be sleeping.”

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