Chapter 29

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My eyes fluttered open at my name being called.

Was I asleep?

I turned my attention to the person who spoke.

They looked familiar; long blonde hair, old and tattered brown peasant dress and deep purple eyes.

 I blinked.

    “It’s been far too long, don’t you think?”

Finding my voice, words flooded out of my mouth.

    “Who are you?” I know I should have recognized this person but nothing came to me now.

    “Funny, very funny.”

I stood up from the sitting position I was in. She was around my height, yet I still couldn’t place where I’ve seen her before.

    “Anika I swear you’ve been alive too long for your own good.”

Yup! Still don’t know who the heck you are! Maybe if I start walking in the opposite direction, she’ll go somewhere else and forget who I am.

Turning to leave, I could feel and hear her confusion coursing through her body.

Having been left on the training field, my falchions in their hilts at my back, I could very easily kill this person with out them.

    “Where are you going?!”

Not bothered by the out break of her voice, I shrugged my shoulders and kept going on my way.

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