Nararators pov

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Zarah's been gone for 5 months and Calum was crushed, although he's getting used to it and excepted the thought that she's dead. Harry has been missing since a week after he saw Zarah and Calum together. Everyone has given up on searching for her, even her good freind zayn.
I woke up on the same concrete floor I have been for who knows how long. My feet and hands are shackled to the floor and it's dark, as usual. The only time I could move is when my shackles some how switched off and food appeared from under the door. The room was small, I already ventured it. The walls were concrete and I'm assuming that the ceiling was too. I felt the bands come loose, feeding time. I ran to the door and started to quickly stuff my face. You see, I only had 2 minutes to eat the usual, turkey sandwich. I've gotten used the the molded bread. I finished stuffing the cold hard gross moldy sandwich and ran back to my spot. The cold metal touching my wrists my I guess I wasn't fast enough because I felt a shock in my neck where a large bump was, and a high pitched ringing in my ears. It hurt. I quickly strapped my self in and it stopped. I sighed to myself and later back down on the cold, hard concrete floor.
After Zarah went missing, the tour was canceled and we all went home. No one knows we're Zarah went, and they can't find her. They searched for 3 months before giving up and scudding to declaring her dead. I felt like crawling in a hole and dying, but I'm getting used to it. I am slowly moving on. It still hurts. For Pandora and Bryana, they got as close to her as I am and where her best freinds, they were still hurt, like me. Well, we all were hurt. We had a funeral for her from some anonymous donor. All of 5 sos were their and so was all of  one direction and their girl friends, well except Harry. I think the worst part of it all was knowing there was a. Slight chance she was still alive, but I couldn't do anything about it.

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