Meeting Him

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"People fall in love in mysterious ways, maybe it's all part of a plan." Ed Sheeran, Thinking Out Loud

Christina was so excited about moving to Toronto.  She had been signed to a top modeling agency, one that had launched the careers of several supermodels.  She would be living in an amazing city.  Plus she would be living in a  spectacular apartment building.  When she looked  at the place online she was most  impressed.  The apartment was a spacious two bedroom suite with a single bathroom, a large kitchen and living room.  It was  also furnished as well as top line appliances. As if that didn't win her over it was pet friendly, which was the icing on the cake.  Her puppy Sandy would be living there too. 

A new apartment. A new career.  A new life. She had a lot to look forward to.

She had it all planned. Once she was settled in, she was going to put all of her focus on her modeling career. It was her dream, her passion. She had wanted this so bad.

Christina pulled up in front of the building so she could unload her luggage. She had several bags. She still had to pick up Sandy from the kennels. The bags were heavy. Maybe the doorman could help her.

As she looked around, something caught her eye.

Or rather someone.

Just inside the glass door was a young man who was staring right at her. Really staring. He was leaning against the wall as he watched her with a slight smirk. He wasn't wearing a uniform so he couldn't be the doorman. His clothes were casual.  There was something familiar about him though, she thought.

At first Christina flipped her hair and looked away.  She was used to men staring at her constantly due to her striking looks.  That's how she got into modeling in the first place.  Why should this guy be any different? When she looked back at the man he winked at her, then continued with his brazen stare while leaning against the wall.  His tongue flicked across his lips.  What the hell?

Now Christina felt a little uneasy. His eyes never left her for a second. She heard that when someone stares at you, they either want two things and two things only.

One: They want to sleep with you.

Two:  They want to murder you.

She hoped there was another reason for him.

Brushing her blond hair from her eyes, Christina hesitated. Did this guy belong in the building? The landlord had assured her when she signed the lease that the building was safe so she had nothing to worry about.

Grabbing her bags, Christina decided that she would rush across the lobby into the safety of the elevator before that guy could do whatever he had in mind. Taking a deep breath she raced across. She made it only a few steps before she tripped. One of her bags fell open, her belongings spilling out.

"Shit!" She couldn't believe this. Her first day in Toronto and she was about to be murdered. What a great day this was.

The young man rushed over. "Can I help?"

Christina noticed that he had a British accent. She also noticed that he had the greenest eyes she had ever seen.

But he was still a stranger. "No thank you," She did not want him to see her personal things like her lingerie, let alone touch them.

He was already bent over, picking up her brush, her makeup bag and of course her black Victoria's Secret bra.

"Oh my God, give me that!" She snatched it out of his hands. "Listen, I got this, thanks." She didn't miss the way he smirked when he saw the bra. She wanted to die, she was so mortified. What a great way to start her new life. She avoided his eyes as she finished packing.

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