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"Oh my God!" Christina was shocked at the scene. A naked Robbie touching himself in a soapy bath. That was an image that wasn't going anywhere soon.

"It's not what it looks like." Robbie mumbled weakly.

Seriously? Christina stomped out of the bathroom. She could hear him calling her name. What the hell.

Robbie buried his head beneath the water. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck! Stupid stupid stupid! Oh great job, Kay, real smooth. She was the last person he wanted to catch him like that. Why hadn't he just stuck with the original plan? Bath, TV. So simple. Better yet, why did he leave the door unlocked? The Dumbass Of The Year award goes to. . .this guy.

Robbie surfaced. He tried to think. It's not what it looks like? Did he actually say that? He was yanking away, what the hell else would he be doing? He was such an idiot when it came to women. He should have been gay, no problems.

Ready to face the wrath of Christina, he got out of the tub and wrapped himself in a large towel. Then he rushed out to the living room where Christina paced with her hand covering her eyes.

"Um, hey," Robbie waved. "How you doing?"

Christina looked up, then quickly looked away. "Can you please go put some clothes on? I've had enough of seeing you naked for one day."

He went into his room. Christina watched him as he closed his door. A moment later he came out wearing pajama bottoms and a T shirt that said "I Gotta Big Dick" in large letters. Oh that's just nice. Really appropriate for the situation here.

"Listen," Robbie stepped up to her. "I can explain."

"Explain what?" Christina folded her arms and glared at him. "Go ahead, I'd love to hear you explain that."

Robbie tried but drew a blank. "Okay I got nothing. But it's not what you think."

"Robbie," she said. "You had your dick in your hand and you were jerking off. What am I getting wrong?"

Robbie ducked his head. He could feel the blush spreading on his face. "Okay, so I was," he admitted while staring at his feet. "Hey stuff happens, you know?"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Christina found herself screaming at him. "It's not enough that you have your collection of sluts, you have to do that too, in our bathroom? I have to use that too! So disgusting!"

Sick of defending himself Robbie flared. "Excuse me, I'm disgusting? For what, having a normal, healthy sex drive? I am a sexual person. I admit it, I like to fuck!"

Christina scoffed. "No kidding! Tell me!"

"I get horny," Robbie went on. "And if there's no one around, yes I'll jack off. It's the perfect safe sex. Oh but you wouldn't know about that since you never had any."

Christina was shocked that he threw her virginity in her face. She was determined to fight. "I am not ashamed to be a virgin. Not that it's your business but I'm saving myself for the right man."

Robbie felt a little stung when she said that, the right man. He didn't understand why. "Ooh lucky him. He has my condolences." The best way to deal with it was to fight.

"God, I wish I had never told you I was a virgin, you. . .you. . .fuckboy!"

"Fuckboy?" Robbie looked a little surprised. "Who the hell are you calling a fuckboy, you. . .cocktease!"

Christina gasped. "Don't you call me a cocktease!"

"Well look at you. The way you dress."

Christina looked at her small shorts and pink camisole. "What's wrong with this?"

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