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"I'm still searching for your starlight." Bronze Whale "The Search.

In her room Christina unpacked her things. She planned on turning in early, she had a lot to do the next day. She had to pick up the rest of her luggage, she needed to get Sandy from the kennel. Plus she had to check in with the modeling agency. It would be a while before she was completely settled in her new place.

Then Christina thought about the situation she was in. She had to share her apartment with Robbie. She had never lived with a man before. She had always imagined that she would live with the man she loved, not some smooth talking, potty mouth, sex crazed. . .beast!

When Christina opened her top drawer she found a surprise.

The small drawer was full of condoms.

Oh sweet Lord.

Christina picked up several and looked at them. Trojans, Wet 'n Wild, Bareback, Magnum. She read the labels: Flavored, Scented, Ribbed For Her Pleasure. The last one caught her eye. Her pleasure. So he cared about pleasing women. Well that was a point for him. She noted the size of condoms.


Oh sweet Jesus. For some reason she found that. . .somewhat exciting. Oh my. So Robbie was well endowed.

Shaking her head, Christina gathered up the condoms and went to his room, rapping loudly on the door.

Robbie flung it open, wearing nothing but tight black boxer briefs. Right away Christina's eyes went down below his navel.

"Can I help you?" He snapped his fingers. "Hello? My eyes are up here, love."

She scoffed, a little embarrassed. "Don't flatter yourself, love. I'm just giving you back these." She placed the condoms in his hands. "Thought you would like them back. I guess you'll be needing them."

Robbie smiled as he accepted them. "I sure would, thanks." He tossed them in the room behind him. "I've got big plans for them." He gave a wicked laugh.

Christina could imagine what those big plans were. "You sure use a lot of condoms." she said accusingly. Then she wanted to kick herself. It sounded like she cared and why should she? It wasn't her business anyway what he did.

Robbie chuckled. "Let me tell you something about condoms," He leaned closer to her. "They're a hell of a lot cheaper than child support and STD medicine."

"Please, I know all about condoms."

"Yeah?" He looked her up and down. "What are you, eighteen? Are you even legal?"

"I'm twenty, thank you." Christina said, flipping her hair back in what she hoped was a mature way. "What are you, in high school?"

"Twenty four, love." He stood straight. "And well experienced, in case you needed to know."

Christina did not need to know that, maybe. "Yeah, right."

They watched each other for a moment. Christina tried to play it cool. She did not want this guy to see that he was making her nervous.

"So," Robbie said while running his hand along his chest. "Do you need to get in the bathroom, have a shower?" He ran his tongue slowly across his lips. "Wanna shower together? Save on water?"

Christina had an image of Robbie slick with water, beads of it forming on his face, his chest, his. . .other areas. "No thank you, you go right ahead." She turned and went back into her room, slamming the door behind her.

Robbie chuckled to himself. She was a feisty one. He liked how she didn't take his crap, she always put him in his place. He had never known a girl that had that much spunk, it was refreshing.

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