The First Time

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"It's okay, girl, I feel it too. Let it be, baby, breathe.
I swear I'm right here.
We'll be good, I promise, we'll be good.

. . .You don't know what's in store,
But you know what you're here for. . .

. . .Don't be scared, I'm right here."

The Weeknd "High For This"

Christina stared down at Robbie.

Robbie stared up at Christina.

They froze for a moment.

"What are you doing with her?" she demanded, pointing at Bree. "Who the hell is she? One of your hoes?"

"What the fuck are you wearing?" he demanded while pointing at what she was barely wearing. "God, you're practically naked!" He jumped up and covered her with his jacket.

Marcel quickly moved to the end of the stage. "Christina," he hissed. "Both of you get your asses off this stage right this minute."

Robbie ushered Christina off the stage. It wasn't long before Marcel ran up to them, face red with anger.

"What the hell was that?" Marcel demanded. "What was that deer in the headlights crap about?"

"Oh shut up," Robbie said. "You got my baby running around here in superhoe wear."

"You are so lucky the designers want to keep you," Marcel said pointing a finger at Christina. "I wanted to fire you. Instead you're suspended for one week. That'll give you time to think about what you did."

Christina glared at him. "Whatever." she stomped off to the dressing room to change. Robbie was right behind her.

"Sir," someone told him. "You're not supposed to be back here."

"Fuck off." Robbie said before slamming the door. He went over to Christina. "Alright, who told you to wear that slut uniform?"

"My asshole boss," She removed his jacket and threw it at him. "Who told you to bring a slut to my show?" She folded her arms and glared at him.

"That's Colin's girl," he said. "He couldn't bring her here. Since I got out of work early, I thought I'd surprise you. He asked me to bring her so I did."

"Oh," Christina was embarrassed on top of everything else. "Well it almost cost me my job."

They stared at each other for a moment before Robbie spoke. "I guess we're gonna have to work on our trust issues if we're going to do this relationship thing."


"By the way, I really like that outfit." He smirked as he looked at her. "Very sexy."

"Get out of here so I can get dressed." Christina said, nudging him.

"Okay, let me go get a cab for Bree. There's something I need to talk to you about."

"Yeah? What if I don't wanna listen?"

"Oh trust me you're gonna want to hear what I got to say. Be right back." Robbie left.

As Christina changed into her street clothes she sulked over the events of the evening. She felt so embarrassed. Robbie showing up with that girl really threw her. It ruined her show. That douche Marcel wanted to fire her. Thank God he didn't, she really needed the job.

Christina met Robbie outside the back door. He stood by his car with his hands in his pockets.

"You want to go somewhere to eat?" He asked. "I know someplace nice and quiet for us."

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