Commitments And Other Crap

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The men stared at this guy who stood before them talking about marriage.

"What?" Robbie asked.  "What's up?"

They looked at each other before turning back to Robbie.  "We need to talk."

"Why?" Robbie asked. "What about?"

Colin and Sean escorted him to the nearest bar and ordered him a strong drink.  "Are you trying to get me drunk?" Robbie asked.  "I did enough of that when I first found out about the baby."

"Okay," Colin draped his arm around Robbie's shoulder.  "Who are you?"

"And what did you do to our boy Rob? Because this isn't him." Sean added.  He tapped on Robbie's forehead.  "Hello! Robbie? You in there? If you can hear me, call me a douche!"

"Oh hahaha.  Real cute." Robbie scowled.  "I'm dead serious this time.  There's a kid involved, my boy Emmett."

"What happened to the guy who swore off commitment?" Colin insisted.

"That was because of that bitch that stomped on my heart," Robbie said while nursing his drink.  "After that I didn't want to ever get hurt like that again so I decided that commitment wasn't for me.  Being a player was more fun."

"Why give it up now?" Asked Sean.

"Because there are people involved in my life now.  Christina and Emmett.  My boy needs two grown people that know how to actually be grown ups.  I have to give them my best." Robbie insisted.  "They need me."

The men looked dubious.  "Are you sure?"

"What are you saying?"

"We don't think you have the heart for the long haul."

"I do."

"You sure?"

"Stop asking me that.  I'm one hundred percent sure." Robbie took a gulp of his drink  and rose from his seat.  "Now if you two will kindly fuck off, I have to go propose marriage to my lady."

Robbie left the bar.  He wandered around for a while before going to the jewelry store where he was headed before running into his mates.   He paused outside and looked through the window.  There was a display of diamond engagement rings with pricetags higher than the moon.  There was no way in hell he could afford that.  Did he love Christina enough to be eating out of the dumpster?

Robbie walked away.  He would have to call his business manager to see if it was in his budget.  Plus he needed a little time to think.

"Hi, Robbie." A female voice said behind him.

Robbie turned around.  It was Maddie.  It had been a while since he had seen her.  Looking at her now he knew why.

Maddie was sporting a pretty round baby bump.  She was holding it between her hands.

"Uh, hey, Maddie," Robbie took a step back.  "How you doing?"

"Don't you mean we?"

Robbie looked around for the nearest exit.  "Uh, okay, how are you and baby doing? And how far along are you?"

Maddie smiled at him while rubbing her belly.  "The baby's doing just fine.  I'm five months along."

Crap! Robbie was with her around that time.  If he remembered correctly they were together a lot.

Most times without a condom.

Son of a bitch! It had to be his. His or Colin's.  Or that idiot bartender she used to see.

But with his luck he could guess whose.

He felt sick.

He should look into getting a vasectomy.

Maddie took his hand.  "Don't you wanna feel the baby?"

"Tell me the truth," Robbie said.  "Is it mine?"

Maddie rolled her eyes.  "Of course it is, silly,"


"Are you sure?" Robbie asked.  "You were with Colin and what's his name too."

"True, but it's yours, and it's a boy." Maddie smiled.  "I was just in the neighborhood to let you know.  I've been on bed rest for a while but the doctor said I was fine."

Robbie felt dizzy.  "Okay.  So what do you wanna do?"

"I was thinking about calling him Robbie Junior," Maddie said.  "We're going to need a very large house, plus there's child support. . ."

Robbie tuned her out.  What the actual fuck? He really outdid himself.  He had managed to knock up two women in one year.  He had always thought he was being careful.  Apparently not. Being a player was more fun? Bullshit! You play, you pay.  The bullet he had managed to dodge finally shot him straight in the ass.

"Hey, listen, I gotta go." Robbie pulled away.  "I got a lot to do and I need to be doing it."

Maddie looked through her bag, pulling out a card.  "Here's all my contact information, I changed a couple of numbers.  Is yours the same?"

"Uh, sure," He wondered if he should change his number.  No, best not.

"Well," Maddie touched his arm.  "See you, Robbie."

Robbie practically flew away before a sudden thought stopped him.


Oh shit! He forgot Christina, his new baby mama.  Ooh, she was going to be sooo pissed at him! She was going to personally slice off his dick and grind it in a blender.

Now had two babies on the way. Two sons. 

He wondered if she was going to be understanding.  Maybe he can tell her after he proposed.  Yeah! He should do that.

Quickly he dug out his phone and called Colin.  "Pick up, pick up," he muttered.

Colin answered.  "What's up, Robs? Ran into Maddie?"

Robbie gasped.  "How did you know?"

"Because she tried to pin that bun in the oven on me." Colin said.  "I had to remind her that we were no where near each other when she got pregnant."

Damn! "You sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Can't you even pretend it's yours?" Robbie begged.

"Sorry mate.  Gotta go." Colin hung up.

Robbie couldn't understand why Colin couldn't be a pal and just claim the baby.  He sighed.  He'd better go home to Christina.  On the way he'll figure out what to do about Maddie and Robbie Junior.  Like tell Christina that little Emmett was getting a brother.


A/N shoutout to ravioli_is_life_xx for the amazing cover. Go check out her work.

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