The Party

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"Come on, hurry up!" Robbie called through Christina's door. "We're gonna be late!"

"In a minute!" Christina yelled back. "I'm still getting dressed."

"Aw, geez, you've been doing that for an hour now."

Robbie had invited Christina to a party given by one of his actor friends. She was so flattered to be going to an event with some famous people. Maybe she could snag an autograph or a selfie. This was so exciting.

Christina stepped back from her mirror and examined her appearance. She was wearing a black tank style crop top and a mini, with dark stockings and heels. Her makeup was on fleek with the smoky eyeshadow. Christina fluffed out her hair and twirled around. This was her first real party and she wanted to look perfect. Who knows, maybe she'll be discovered by one of the guests. Somebody very important.

Robbie banged on the door again. "Come on, dammit!"

"Chill your balls, I'm coming!" Christina yelled back.

"Damn, girl." Robbie said through her door. "Whose balls do you kiss with that mouth?"

"Shut up."

Robbie leaned against the door. If he hadn't been so generous as to invite Christina to this party he would have been there already. Having some drinks, chilling with his boys, flirting with his girls. Instead he was playing the Let's Wait All Night On Christina Game. Why do women take a hundred years to get ready? Why can't they just throw on some damn clothes and call it a day? Who gets women?

Christina's door opened. Finally! She stepped out and stood before him. "How do I look?"

Robbie froze at the sight of her. She looked just how she did in that photo, with her dark makeup and clothes that left little to the imagination. Damn!

Christina saw how he looked her up and down with a hungry expression while rooted to the spot. "What? I thought you were in a hurry."

Robbie cleared his throat. "Is that what you're wearing?"

She looked down. "Isn't this okay for the party?"

"Oh it's good, it's hella good."

"Your girls wear less than this on the street."

Robbie laughed. "True that. Come on."

When they pulled up to the house Robbie turned to her. "Listen, when we get in stay close."


"There's going to be a lot of guys there. Most of them I don't know. Some are the sketchy types. And with your outfit. . ."

"I thought you said this was fine." She said.

"It is." Robbie was holding her hand. "I'm just saying, be careful. Just stick with me."

Christina didn't argue. She could see a lot of sophisticated people already there and she felt a little intimidated.

Music blared from the D.J. when they arrived. A tall man greeted Robbie with a handshake and a hug.

"Robbie, glad you finally showed your face," the man joked.

"Hey, you know I never miss a party."

The man fixed his gorgeous eyes on Christina. "Well who is this?"

Robbie put his arm around her. "This is Christina Gray. Christina, meet Colin--"

Christina gushed. "Oh my God, I know you. From 'Once Upon A Time'. I love that show."

Colin took her hand. "A pleasure, Christina."

Christina was so excited to meet Colin. She couldn't believe this. "You are so awesome on that show."

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