Here's The Situation

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"So," Colin said as they sat over beers at the counter of their favorite bar. "You got caught with your pants down, literally."

"Yep," Robbie sighed. "Pretty much."

Robbie had told Colin all about the Christina Situation, starting with the apartment mixup, the photo swiping, the fighting and the kick in the nuts. The party, the closet, everything. He left out buying tampons, he would sooner get castrated than tell his friend that.

"Damn," Colin said when Robbie finally paused to take a drink. "Is that all?"

"Ain't that enough?"

"I can't believe it."

"Wait, there's one more thing," Robbie leaned closer. "But you have to swear on all the saints--"

"Sorry," Colin said. "I'm not a religious person."

"Okay, fine, then swear it on your girlfriend's panties that you won't tell anyone, ANYONE, what I'm about to tell you."


"Go ahead. Swear it on your girlfriend's panties."

"I swear it." Colin held up his right hand. "On my girlfriend's panties."

Robbie looked around to make sure no eavesdroppers were nearby, then leaned in and whispered. "Whenever I'm about to, you know, come. . ."

"Go on."

"I yell out her name." Robbie admitted, feeling the blush on his face.

"Christina?" Colin asked.

"Yeah. Every single time. I did it at Lila's and she threw me out. I did it again at Maddie's but she didn't notice. Actually she was calling out your name."

"Heh heh," Colin laughed. "She's a wicked little strumpet. We had some wild times. . ."

"Hello, back to me," Robbie said. "It happened again when I had Denny in the closet. Right before Christina busted us I was screaming her name. I pray she didn't hear me."

"I doubt it," Colin said. "You're no Silent Bob, dude."

"I know right. She heard me the other times too."

"Are you bringing a lot of girls back to the place?"

"No," Robbie ordered another round. "Those were the times when I was, you know, flying solo."

"Got it." Colin nodded. "Been there."

"That's better than me," Robbie said glumly. "I don't get it. It's like she's in my system and I can't get her out."

Colin pondered that for a moment. "The obvious solution I can think of is to just sleep with her and get it out of your system. If she turns you on that much, go for it. At least you'll be calling out the right name."

"One problem. Virgin." Robbie said.

"Surely not you."

"No, dumbass. Her."

Colin was shocked. "Seriously?"

"Never even been kissed." Robbie said sipping his beer.

"I thought you two kissed already."

"I was her first kiss," Robbie explained. "I told her she could practice with me, like a kissing lesson."

Colin looked at him skeptically. "Oh that's real smooth, Robs. A kissing lesson? What's lesson two, blowjobs?"

"Oh shut the fuck up." Robbie sighed, putting his chin in his hand. "She hardly needed the lesson. That kiss was amazing, like nothing I ever experienced." He sighed again.

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