The Big Day

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Christina was in the bridal shop trying on wedding gowns.  Unfortunately she didn't have too many to choose from thanks to her waistline.  She had to push up the wedding date if she wanted to walk down the aisle without a huge baby bump leading the way.  With the many dreams about her wedding day, being pregnant wasn't one of them.  However you can't have everything.

"What about this one?" Kylie said holding up a dress.  She came along to help choose.  

Christina examined it closely before shaking her head.  "No, that's not going to work.  I want the perfect dress."

"How perfect can it be when you have a bun in the oven?" Kylie asked.

"It doesn't matter," Christina patted her belly which was protruding through her loose T shirt.  "I still want the perfect wedding dress, baby or no baby.  I'll know when I find it."

Christina looked through the many dresses in the shop but couldn't find anything for her.  Disappointed she and her friend left to go to lunch.

For the next several days Christina combed the bridal shops, searching dress after dress, but nothing seemed to work for her.

"We have some lovely maternity dresses," one shop manager said. "Lots of women in your condition are going down the aisle."

Christina bit her tongue.  She didn't like it when people called her pregnancy a "condition".  It made it sound like some affliction.  She just nodded and looked at what they had to offer in the way of maternity wedding gowns.  

She didn't like any of them

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She didn't like any of them.  They made her look like a walking wedding cake.  Really?

"I've had it,"  Christina was at home on the sofa with her feet in Robbie's lap.  She was eating from a box of Haagen Daas that Robbie had bought for her.  "Every dress I saw sucked.  And don't get me started on the maternity dresses.  I don't have enough time in the day to talk about the crap that bitch showed me."

Robbie was massaging her feet.  "We'll keep looking," he said.  "We have time."

"No, Rob, we don't," Christina insisted.  "I want to walk down the aisle before I start showing."

"You already are."

"I mean a lot.  I have been planning this day since four, down to the last detail," Christina said as she put the empty container on the table.  "Waddling down the aisle wasn't part of the details.  I want to do this right."

"Then maybe you should have stayed a virgin," Robbie said.  "I hear lots of girls stay virgins until their wedding night.  Maybe you shouldn't have given it up until then."

Christina glared at him before speaking in a low voice.  "Do you really want to say that shit to me when I have both of my feet in your lap, directly on your dick?"

Robbie quickly pushed her feet away and stood up.  He moved away to a safe distance.  "I'm just saying, we should have taken precautions." He moved further away.  "Just saying."

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