Just Relax

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"What a wicked thing to say
To make me feel this way.
What a wicked thing to do
To make me dream of you."

Chris Isaak, "Wicked Game"

Carrying a brown paper bag from the liquor store, an exhausted Robbie came home to a furry little yappy creature.

"The fuck?" He looked closer. It was a small brown dog that ran around his legs, sniffing him.

"Oh hi," Christina rushed over. "That's my dog Sandy. I hope it's not a problem that she's here. Sandy is my baby."

"Do I have to clean up after it?"


"Good." Robbie plopped on the sofa and put his feet up.

"Hey, Robbie, since we're living together," Christina said. "Can we just get along? No fighting?"

"Fine with me." Robbie pulled a bottle from the bag and took a swig.

"What's that?" She asked.

He held up the bottle. "This is dinner."

Christina hovered over him. "Don't you want some real food? I'm making pasta. Did you eat anything today?"

Yeah, he thought. He ate out some girl. "No, not much."

"Would you like me to make you a plate?"

The smell of food cooking was too good to pass up. Robbie was starving. "Sure."

He sat at the counter and watched Christina as she cooked. She was wearing sweats but for some reason she looked good in them. She was swinging her hips while Justin Bieber sang from her phone.

"What song is that?" Robbie asked.

Christina sucked on her finger, making him swallow hard. "It's called 'Sorry', you like it?"

"It's okay." he shrugged, feeling a little weird at watching her behind going back and forth as she danced while cooking.

Christina turned to him playfully. He was hunched over the counter with a frown. "Wanna dance?"

He snorted and shook his head. "No thanks."

"Aw why not?"

"I don't dance." he said wrinkling his nose.

"Don't or can't?" she teased.

Robbie took another drink. "Take your pick, honey, I don't do either."

Christina wanted to cheer him up. He must have had a rough day. He hadn't smiled once since he came home. She went around the counter and took his hands. "Come on, dance with me. I'll teach you."

Robbie tried to pull back. "No, that's okay."

"Come on," she insisted, determined to put a smile on his face. "It's not that hard, just move your hips." She moved closer to him. "Like this."

She swayed against him while holding his shoulders. He made a few feeble attempts. Then she started grinding, accidentally brushing against him.

He pulled away. "Stop!"

"What?" She was surprised at his reaction. His face was a deep red.

"You shouldn't be dancing like that." He snapped.

"Like what?" Christina was confused. "What did I do? I thought we weren't going to fight. I was just dancing."

"Okay, skip it." He dropped his head. "I need to go shower. Let me know when dinner is ready." He stomped out of the kitchen and into the bathroom, slamming the door after him.

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