Robbie's New Girl

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"Why am I so emotional?
No it's not a good look, get some self control."

Sam Smith "Stay With Me"

Robbie's snores woke him, along with the crick in his neck. He groaned and looked around. Where the hell was he?

As he sat up he saw that he had crashed in the back seat of his car. Surprisingly alone. He turned on his phone and discovered that his mailbox was full. Lots of messages from his work, his agent, some of his girls, and Christina.

Robbie gulped at the sight of her name. Why? All they did was kiss and he lost his natural mind. And that dream, so intense that it had him jacking off in a cold shower. What would the real thing be like?

Robbie decided to take control of his feelings. It was just a kissing lesson, like she needed one. She was his roommate until a new place opened up. That's it, done, end, period.

When he got through the door Christina and the dog ran right to him.

"Robbie!" She wrapped her arms around him. "Oh my God! Are you okay? I was so worried! Thank God you made it home."

Robbie was shocked. What was this? Even the dog was nuzzling him while licking his hand. "You. . .you were worried about me?"

"Of course I was," Christina was still holding on. "I thought something happened to you. I made us this huge dinner and when you didn't show up I tried calling you but you didn't answer. I thought maybe you were in an accident or worse."

Robbie found himself hugging her back. He didn't mean to upset her. He wanted to comfort her.

Suddenly Christina pulled away. "Sorry," she said, stepping backwards. "I was just glad to see you, I didn't mean to do that."

"It's all right, no problem."

They stood there awkwardly for a moment before she looked at the clock.

"Oh wow," she said. "I am so late. I couldn't leave until I knew you were okay." She threw on her coat and grabbed her bag. "I really have to go. Can you have the doorman take Sandy for her walk?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Thanks, bye." Christina rushed out the door. Robbie stared after her. He was amazed that she didn't give him the third degree on where he was and who he was with, like most of his girls. How weird.

He checked his voicemail. One was from the director saying that due to some technical glitch there will be no rehearsals that day. A day off, cool. Then a message from Lila cussing him out. He deleted it.

Then he listened to Christina's message. She sounded afraid and upset. He felt a little guilty about that, considering what he was doing around that time.

With Sandy on his heels Robbie went to the fridge. He was starving. Inside were a lot of containers of food. The dinner Christina had made, for him. Again more guilt. He couldn't believe it. What kind of girl was she?

He heated up the food, dished it out and took his plate to the living room. Sandy followed him, staring the whole time.

"What?" He said as he tore into his food. "What do you want?"

Sandy waged her tail and barked.

"No," Robbie said. "You're not getting any so walk away. You got a nice bowlful of Gravy Train over there so eat that."

Sandy rubbed her head on his leg, looking up at him with those same doe eyes as her owner. He could feel himself weaken.

"Okay, fine." He gave her a piece of his chicken and she wolfed it down right away. "Whoa, you're hungry too, huh," he gave her another. "Your mommy is an amazing cook. Don't tell her I said that."

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