Scream My Name

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"Scream My Name.
  You do it so loud. . .
  Bet the neighbors know my name
  Way you screaming scratching yelling."

Trey Songz  "Neighbors Know My Name"

After a long exhausting day, Robbie went to his usual bar and ordered a strong drink.  He lit up a cigarette and inhaled deeply.  Ahhh, so good, almost better than sex.  He really should quit smoking.  He wished he had never started in the first place.

He felt a tap on his back and turned.  Colin and Sean were right behind him.

"Sup, Robs." Colin said.

"Hey, guys."

They took the stools on either side of him.  Robbie ordered drinks for them. 

"So what's up?" Sean asked.  "What's new with you?"

"Nothing much."

"Nothing you say?" Sean pulled out his phone.  "This doesn't look like nothing."  He held up the phone revealing the Instagram pic Christina had posted.  It was now up to over three hundred likes.

"I can't believe she posted that." Robbie muttered.  He braced himself for a round of getting his balls busted.

"Why?" Colin said, admiring it.  "It's so cute.  You look so happy."

"I look like I just woke up after a long night of screwing my brains out." Robbie said.  "Christina wore me out."

"Yeah," Sean snickered.  "We all know how much you like to, heh heh, eat."

"Shut up."

They looked surprised.  "What's this? Sensitive?" Colin said.  "Could it be he's. . .dare I say. . .sprung?"

Robbie shifted uncomfortably.  "No." he protested while blushing.

"Sprung." Sean added.

"Shut the hell up."


"Sprung.  Christina's got him good."  Colin laughed.

"Boing.  He hasn't been like this since--"

"Sean, wait!"

They watched as Robbie's mood turned dark.

"Hey, mate, I didn't mean that." Sean said.  "I was kidding."

Robbie polished off his drink.  He stood up and, raising both hands, gave them the finger.

"Fuck you."

"We were just playing."

"Fuck you."

"We didn't mean to bring up--"

"Fuck you times a hundred."

Robbie stormed out of the bar and stood there for a moment, trying to cool off.  His phone buzzed.  It was a text from the guys.

Colin:  We're sorry, really.

Sean:  Sorry not sorry.  Boing XD

Colin:  Sprung XD

Robbie:   t(-_-)

Colin:  Did you just give us the finger.

Sean:  I think he did.

Robbie:  Here's one for each of you  t(-_-t)

Sean:  Sprung sprung sprung

Colin:  Boing boing boing

Robbie:  t(-_-t)   t(-_-t)   t(-_-t)

Robbie turned his phone off.  Sprung, ha.  Stung was what he felt, sharp bitter pain in his heart that was caused by HER.  Pain that only seemed to go away by a drink, a smoke and a good bang with some skank.  Since he was now in a real relationship he had to settle for just at drink and smoke.

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