Can We Be Friends?

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"I'm underneath your skin
The devil within.
You'll never know what hit you."
Digital Daggers "Devil Within"

Robbie was aware of nothing but pain. Excruciating pain. The kind that went through your body and soul, making you pray for instant death.

He took several deep breaths hoping to ease the pain that throbbed in his family jewels. He was aware of the police standing over him talking to Christina. He hoped they would throw her in jail and lose the key for what she did. That evil girl. He will never forget the sharp glare in her eyes right before she got him in his happy spot.

Christina stood over him. Robbie mumbled for some ice. God, the pain! If he had known she was going to play dirty like that he would have just let her have the damn remote.

Christina returned with an ice pack and held it out to him. Robbie grabbed it and held it onto his groin. Finally the pain was starting to fade a little. He could breathe easier.

"Are you okay?" Christina asked.

Hell no I'm not okay, you bloody twat, Robbie thought. You kneed me in my damn groin. He didn't dare say those words out loud. She might cut his dick clean off. Plus he was still too hurt to speak.

Christina left him alone and went into her room. When he was able, Robbie got up and limped into his room and fell onto his bed with a sigh. God, what a day!

Things were awkward at breakfast the next morning. Robbie played it safe and got his own coffee and toast. They sat quietly at the counter while they ate.

"Hey, listen," Robbie cleared his throat before speaking. "I wanna say I'm sorry for being a jerk to you. I didn't mean to say those things to you."

Christina smiled. "It's okay. I'm sorry for kneeing you. . .down there. Are you okay now?"

Robbie shrugged. "I've been better. I think I'll live to see another day."

They smiled shyly at each other.

"So can we be friends now?" Christina asked. "Can we please stop with the fights? We have to live together, we can at least get along."

"Okay by me, I won't argue with you. Believe me, I won't." Robbie joked. Christina nudged him playfully and they laughed, all bad feelings gone.

"Hey," Robbie said. "Do you like carnivals?"


"There's this carnival that just opened the other day. It's near my studio. I was thinking about checking it out. Wanna come along?"

Christina hesitated. "I don't know." She looked at him warily. "Are you going to behave?"

"I promise I won't be a dick," Robbie raised his hand. "I swear I'll be nothing but good."

She relaxed. "Okay, I'll go. It's been a while since I've been to one. I really want to go."

"Great," Robbie polished off his coffee. "I get out early today. How about I pick you up later and we'll go straight there?"

"Sounds good."


They found themselves suddenly gazing at each other for a while. Christina was aware at how green and intense his eyes were. Robbie noticed the sky blue of hers, so deep and pretty.

They jumped and refocused their attention back to their breakfast.

Later after work Christina found Robbie parked in front of her building waiting for her. She was excited to see him at that moment. Must be the carnival she thought.

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