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Christina didn't know what to think. Her Robbie was on his knees proposing to her. Was this for real?

"Well?" Robbie asked while gazing up into her eyes. "What do you say? Will you marry me?"


Robbie wasn't sure he heard her correctly. "Excuse me?"

Christina looked him straight in the eye. "No."

Robbie was confused for a moment before laughing. "Oh I get it. You're messing with me, right?"

Christina stood before him, arms firmly folded against her chest and slightly protruding belly. "No, I don't believe so. In fact I'm about as serious as death."

Robbie rose from his knees and stood eye level to her. "Is this some kind of hormone thing?" He asked. "I heard about pregnant women being all kinds of crazy. Is this one of those times?"

Christina shook her head and took a deep breath while resisting the strong urge to strangle her dumbass​ ignorant baby daddy. "Robbie," she said as calmly as she could. "you know I love you, but these little mistakes from your past are a problem."

Robbie looked confused. "How so?"

"The fact that you even have to ask that question tells me a lot." Christina said. "How many more of your girls are going to come out of the woodwork?"

"Okay but that Maddie situation wasn't my fault. She tried to pin a kid on me that wasn't even mine. She did the same thing to Colin. You saw that."

Christina sat down on the couch. Robbie followed her and took her hand in his.
"You got lucky this time but what about Lila and Denny and God knows who. What if one of them comes knocking on our door with another Robbie Junior? What am I supposed to think then?"

Good point. Robbie hadn't thought about that. "There's always plausible deniability." He said with a giggle. Christina had to slug him on the arm. "Ow!"

"Jesus, Robbie, seriously?"

"What? Can't I make a joke?"

Christina faced him. "See? There it is. You can't take anything serious. I am talking about your fucking past, literally fucking, and the consequences. I don't like the idea that Emmett could have siblings somewhere out there. You've been with a lot of women, and birth control isn't one hundred percent effective. I don't want a repeat of today. Do you understand?"

Robbie ducked his head. He understood exactly where she was coming from. If he had gotten every one of his exes pregnant, the amount of child support he would have to pay would beat the national debt. "I got it, babe."

Christina stood up. "I have to go take Sandy to the vet, then I'm going to run a few errands so I'll be back later."

"What about my proposal?" Robbie asked. "You know that I have never done that with anyone before."

Christina rolled her eyes. "I'm so flattered I'll just cry." She said. "I'll think about it for a while and get back to you. In the meantime, try not to knock up anybody while I'm gone."

With that Christina got her coat and purse. She put Sandy on her leash and guided her out of the apartment. Robbie sat there thinking. It was clear Christina didn't trust him. Dammit. He only had himself to blame.

Robbie went into his old bedroom, soon to be Emmett's. The walls were painted yellow, the baby dresser was already full with the baby's clothes and diapers. The crib wasn't assembled yet, it was still in the box. He was going to have to pay someone to fix that. No way in hell he was doing it. Building things were a pain in the ass with him.  They never came out right anyway.

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