Teddy Beawie and Princess Baby Gurl

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Colin and Sean were just coming out of Starbucks when something caught their eye. They nudged and pointed at what they saw.

There was a store nearby. Inside the window was Robbie, holding some flowers in one arm and what looked like a stuffed wolf in the other. Somehow he was able to talk on his phone, using the arm with the flowers.

Colin and Sean smirked at each other before going into the store. They snuck up behind Robbie and listened to his conversation.

"I been thinking about you too, baby girl," Robbie was saying with a smile. "Can't wait to get home to hear your good news." He paused as he listened. "Okay, I'm on my way. Keep it hot for me, princess, I'll be there soon. Uh huh. Later, babe." He hung up.

"Boo!" Sean yelled. Robbie jumped with a scream, dropping his flowers and wolf.

"Ahh! What the f-- Sean! Dammit! I almost pissed myself." Robbie quickly scooped up his things and tried to hide them behind his back. "Hey, guys. Great to see you two as always."

"I bet it is," Colin was still laughing. "Great job you're doing of hiding the wolf and the flowers. We can't see them at all, right Sean?"

"Okay, they're gifts," Robbie admitted, bringing them out. "For Christina. She loves wolves."

"Gifts, huh?" Colin nudged him. "Does that mean you two are finally together?"

Sean grabbed Robbie's phone and held it up. "Aha! What have we here? Look at this wallpaper, what does that tell you?"

The wallpaper was a selfie of Robbie and Christina, taken at the arcade. Christina had her hand on Robbie's shoulder in a manner that was more than friends.

Robbie smiled and blushed. "Yeah," he said with a giggle. "We're a couple."

The men patted him on the back and shoved him playfully. "Alright! Congrats on the happy couple!"

"Okay, thanks, don't kill me now," Robbie joked. "And gimme back my phone, I got some stuff on there."

"So that's why you called her baby girl and princess." Colin said, playfully shoving him.

Robbie blushed again while looking at his shuffling feet. "Yeah, my pet names for her."

"Really? What does she call you?"

"None of your damn business."

"So," Sean put an arm around Robbie's shoulders. "What exactly is she keeping hot for you til you get home?"

Robbie looked him in the eye. "My dinner, perv. She made me my favorites tonight, just for me. Get your mind out of the gutter, jeez."

"What's this good news you were talking about?" Colin asked. "Is she pregnant already?"

Robbie popped Colin on the arm. "Good God man, no! Seriously? Bite your tongue! You think I'd be celebrating something like that? We just started and already you got me knocking her up? Jesus! I should beat your ass for even saying that shit."

"I'm guessing that's a no?"

Robbie checked the time. "Gotta get home or she'll worry. Bye."

"Well let's make sure you get home safe." Sean said. "Don't want her to worry."

Arms full of gifts, Robbie waddled out of the store. "No thank you, I don't need your help. Bye." He walked down the street to the apartment building nearby, with the men walking on either side of him.

"Okay, guys," Robbie said. "Thanks for seeing me home. Bye."

"You don't mind if we go up and say hi to Princess Baby Gurl, do you?" Colin asked.

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