I'll Take Care Of You

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"Do I wanna know
If this feeling goes both ways."

Arctic Monkeys "Do I Wanna Know"

Robbie was leaning out on the balcony smoking his third cigarette. He could see the doorman walking Sandy around the block. He didn't want to leave Christina alone in the apartment so he had to rely on outside help. He was trying to mentally process everything that went down. So much has happened in the past few weeks. It was all so unreal. . .

That night, Robbie had to take Christina to the emergency room. The doctor had confirmed that Christina's ribs were in fact broken. One was extremely close to puncturing her lung which would have been fatal. They were shocked.

Robbie listened closely as the doctor gave instructions on Christina's care. "She can't move around, she has to remain still," he said. "She must be propped up at night for the first few nights, then she must lie flat on her back."

"Will she be okay?" Robbie asked, looking concerned.

"Just follow my instructions and make sure she doesn't move a lot." the doctor said. "The first few days are crucial."

Christina was in a lot of pain. It grew stronger every time she breathed. She was aware of the nurse asking Robbie to leave.

"I can't," he said. "She's my fiancee."

Christina didn't miss that. "Why did you call me your fiancee?"

Robbie leaned closer and whispered. "I said that so I can stay here with you."

"Why did you call me baby before?" Christina murmured through the pain and medication.

Robbie scoffed. "What are you talking about? No I didn't."

"You did, you called me baby. You said I was your woman--"

"Christina, you're badly hurt, you could have died." Robbie held her hand in his. "Just relax and let me take care of you."

Christina didn't argue as she drifted off. Robbie watched her for a minute. God, what a night! He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his pack of smokes. He was so stressed out over this situation. He blamed himself. He shouldn't have taken her to a party like that. He should have taken maybe Maddie or Denny or any other girl. Perverts like that don't go near girls like that without metal condoms and antibiotics.

He barely got a good drag when the nurse came back. "Sir, you shouldn't be smoking in here."

"Aw come on, gimme a break," Robbie pleading with the cigarette dangling from his lips. "I'm frigging stressed out, I need this."

"You have to take that outside." the nurse said.

"I can't leave her alone," Robbie pointed at a sleeping Christina. "She might need me."

"We're right here with her," the nurse said. "So either put it out or take it outside. Your fiancée needs you more than that cigarette."

Good point. Robbie stomped out the cigarette. Christina did need him. He was going to make sure he was there for her.

When Christina was released Robbie carefully brought her home. He tucked her into his own bed so he could keep watch over her, made sure she lay still while her ribs mended. He called their jobs and explained the situation, requesting a medical leave for both. Colin had called wondering what had happened. Robbie didn't feel like going into the incident so he just said that Christina got sick and they had to leave early.

That first night he hardly slept. It was difficult keeping her propped up in the bed, when she slept she would slide down. He put a lot of pillows on both sides of her and kept a protective arm around her lightly so he wouldn't harm her injury.

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