Get To Know You

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"Goddammit!" Robbie howled from the bathroom. This was followed by a long string of profanity. "Fucking hell!"

Christina rolled her eyes. All she did was to ask him to give Sandy a bath while she went to get her hair done. He was glad to do it, he was growing very attached to the puppy. When she returned this was what she came home to.

"What's going on?" she called. When she peeked in the bathroom she found Robbie sitting in a full soapy bathtub soaked from head to toe. "Oh my God!"

"Yeah," He held out his arms. "Look what your precious baby did! I'm fucking soaked! Shit!"

A very wet Sandy stood in the middle of a large puddle wagging her tongue.

"What did you do?" Christina said to Robbie.

"Me? You're asking me?" Robbie was aghast. "Your dog puts me in a tub full of water and you ask what I did? Seriously?"

Christina started laughing and pointing.

"Oh it's funny, is it?" Robbie sneered. She kept laughing. "What? What is so fucking funny?"

Sandy suddenly shook herself, splashing soap and water everywhere.

"Oh God!" Christina quickly backed out of the room. She spent a fortune on her hair and she couldn't afford to ruin it.

"See what I mean?" Robbie yelled as he received another baptism from Sandy. "All day she's been doing that. Bloody hell!"

She shook her head and laughed. Robbie felt himself loosening up and soon he was laughing too.

"I'll make us some coffee." She said. "You'd better dry off or you'll get sick."

Robbie dried Sandy with an old towel before going to his room to change. Sandy was on his heels wagging her tail.

"This is your fault, you know." he grumbled as he peeled off his soaked clothes and tossed them in a pile. "Crazy ass mutt."

"I heard that!" Christina called from outside his closed door. "That's my baby you're talking about."

"Yeah well your baby got me good!" Robbie called back while drying off. "She was suppose to have a bath not me. She did that on purpose."

"Seriously? She's a dog, dummy. She can't do that."

"Yeah right."

Christina tapped on the door. "Is it safe to come in now?"

"Hold on," Robbie quickly pulled on some fresh clothes and combed his hair. "Okay, come in."

Christina came in carrying a tray with two steaming mugs. "I really appreciate you taking care of Sandy for me." She said while handing him a mug of coffee.

"Aw, it's no problem. Thanks for the coffee." Robbie scratched Sandy on her ears. She was curled up on his bed with absolutely no intention of moving. They sat on either side of her and sipped their coffee.

"I think you like her," Christina teased. "She's getting to you."

Robbie shrugged and smiled. "Maybe."

"I'm sorry I laughed at you," Christina said. "But you looked so funny sitting there in that tub." She giggled.

"Yeah, no you're not." Robbie joked back.

They sat for a moment, just chilling and drinking.

"Hey," Christina said. "Wanna play twenty questions?"

Robbie raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? What are we, twelve?"

"Come on," she begged, leaning against the headboard. "I'm bored right now. We have the whole day off. Plus it's a great way to get to know each other. I feel like I'm living with a stranger."

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