And Baby Makes Three

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"Robbie put that out," Christina demanded, waving away the smoke that blew in her direction. "That smell is making me sick."

"Aw come on, I'm nervous," Robbie said as he took another drag outside of the hospital building. "I need this."

"How do you thing I feel? I need to pee, can we go in now?"

"Hold up," Robbie took one more deep drag of his cigarette.  Once more Christina waved away the smoke he exhaled while rolling her eyes.  Again he took another puff.  "One for the road."  he explained.

"I thought you were going to quit." Christina said, looking him in the eye.  "I guarantee you, this is not going to work, especially with the baby."

"I know, I know, I'm working on it."

"I hope so.  I don't want my baby to grow up smoking.  Don't you want to live long enough to see grandchildren?"

"Sure I do."

Robbie and Christina were nervous about this doctor's appointment. It was the one where they will get to actually see their baby. They signed in and sat in the waiting room. Robbie jiggled his leg while Christina twiddled her thumbs.

Finally the nurse came out. "Christina Gray?"

She escorted them to a small room where Christina changed into a small hospital gown. She lay on the table.

"Robbie hold my hand," she said. "I need all the support I can get right now."

"I'm here for you, baby." Robbie felt like passing out. He still couldn't believe this was happening.

The doctor came in. "Hello, Christina, how are you feeling?"

"Just a little tired and nauseous," Christina answered.

Robbie watched as the doctor examined her. He was in a daze. Before he knew it, Christina was lying on the table with her top pulled up to her chest while the doctor smeared this clear jelly on her stomach. It felt cold. Robbie sat close holding her hand. The doctor then took this device and slid it along Christina's belly. The doctor turned the monitor towards them.

"Can you see your baby?"

Robbie and Christina looked.

"Oh my God," Christina gasped

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"Oh my God," Christina gasped. "Is that my baby?"

"That's your baby." The doctor said, pointing at the screen. "There's the head, the arms, and there's the feet."

The couple stared in amazement. That was a person!

Christina was laughing. "Oh my God, oh my God. That's my baby!"

Robbie didn't know what to say, he was in shock. Did he really create that? Wow.

"Would you like to know what the sex is?" The doctor was saying, bringing him out of his haze.

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