The Apartment Situation

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"I don't know how this happened," the landlord said to Christina and Robbie as the three were squeezed in his tiny cramped office.

"How the fuck did you let this happen?" Robbie demanded.

"Mr. Kay, please don't swear." The landlord said. "I got my kids in the next room, they don't have school today."

"How," Robbie said coldly, his green eyes blazing. "the HELL did you let this happen? I'm not saying anything here those kids hadn't heard at home a hundred fucking times."

"Mr. Kay, come on."

"That is my apartment, goddammit!" Robbie said. "I had it first."

"But I rented it." Christina insisted, holding up a copy of her lease. "I have the contract right here. I paid the deposit and everything."

"I understand, Ms. Gray."

"As did I." Robbie said.

"I know, I know," the landlord nodded. "My bad. Our apartments are so awesome we've been renting every hour."

"So what are you going to do about this?" Robbie asked. "You're putting her in another place, right?"

"Well aren't you the gentleman." Christina snapped at him. "Thanks so much for offering to give up the apartment."

"Sweetheart," Robbie said. "It's nothing personal and yes, I would offer, but unfortunately for you I'm already moved in. It would be a total pain in my ass to move my shit out now. So move her someplace else."

"Oh sorry," the landlord said. "We're booked solid. Nothing is available."

Robbie noticed that Christina was looking a little desperate. He began to feel sorry for her.

"Seriously?" She asked. "So what am I supposed to do?"

Robbie ducked his head. He hoped she wouldn't cry. He was beginning to feel like a grade A douchebag. But it wasn't his fault this screw up happened. It was the landlord, he should feel like shit.

The landlord seemed to be thinking. "I have an idea."

Robbie and Christina leaned forward eagerly.

"Why don't you two share the place?"

There was a long pause. "Excuse me?" They said.

"Well you two seem to get along, I guess, why not share a place?" the landlord said. "It's two bedrooms so you have your own space."

The couple looked at each other suspiciously.

"You will have to share a bathroom, kitchen and living room though." the landlord continued.

"What about the high ass rent?" Robbie said. "Do we get to share that too?"

"Yes you can split the rent, it's only fair."

Robbie couldn't argue with that. He'll only have to pay half in rent. Sweet. He looked at Christina. Poor girl looked shocked.

"So that's my only option?" she asked. "I don't have a choice?"

"There really isn't any," the landlord said. "Unless one of you moves out of the building altogether."

The couple was quiet on the elevator ride back to the apartment. Robbie was a little pissed about the situation. What kind of idiot landlord would let someone else rent an apartment that was already taken? He wondered if he should sue.

Then there was the sharing of the place. Having someone in his place was seriously going to put a cramp in his lifestyle. When he first got the place he had huge plans. He was going to throw a wild housewarming party, then later he would get one of his girls and have sex in every room of the place. He was really looking forward to that.

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