Those Long Lonely Nights

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Robbie's days were filled with script reads, costume sizing and rehearsing. He got into his new role with much enthusiasm. Everyone was excited about this movie, they were sure it would be a blockbuster. This would be his big break. If the movie was a success then everyone would know his name. The movie kept him busy for hours. He was up before sunrise and stayed up past midnight.

But if he was busy during the days, his nights were long and lonely. He missed his Christina, his spunky princess, his baby girl. His bed was so empty without her. He liked how she curved into his arms when they spooned. He missed the lazy mornings when they would just lie close to each other, gazing into each other's eyes.

Most importantly, he missed the sex. Dammit, he was horny as hell! He had never gone this long without getting it. He knew he was being a jerk and he did love Christina but he needed to get laid and his left hand was getting tired. So was the right.

That night Robbie tossed in bed and kicked at the covers. He couldn't sleep, and he couldn't take another night of being alone.

Robbie sat up and looked at his phone. He wondered what Christina was doing. Maybe taking care of Sandy, that crazy little rascal. He had called her between takes and they talked briefly. He wondered about her strange attitude lately. She was always cranky and tired and not in the mood for loving. Must be a period thing. He knew he didn't do anything.

He sent her a text: Hey, babe.😙 🤗

Christina responded right away: Hey teddy beawie.😙

That was a good sign. She wasn't mad at him.

Christina: How's it going? 😊

Robbie: This damn sun is bright as shit out here. 😎 It's everywhere I go, it never shuts the fuck off.😑 I'm working my ass off. Other than that it's all good. How are you, baby girl?

Christina: I'm okay. ☺ Working hard too. Sandy misses you. Me too😍

Robbie: I miss you both. Whatcha doing? 😉

Christina: Lying in bed. 😪 Can't sleep.

Robbie: Me too.

Christina: Who with some skank? 😑

Robbie: Good God no. I'm all alone. 😇😇

Christina: That's what I wanna hear.

Robbie: Send me a pic. 😈

Christina: Of what?

Robbie: You. Send me something sexy 👅👅

Christina: Give me a minute while I fix myself up.💅

Christina freshened up her appearance, then took a selfie and sent it.

Christina freshened up her appearance, then took a selfie and sent it

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Christina: How's that? 😙

Robbie: 👀 Damn that's hot, baby. But you know, you could have sent me some cleavage or something.

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