Finally It's Happy Ever After

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Five years have passed. 

Emmett was racing around the house from room to room.  "Whee!!" he yelled.  Sandy chased behind  him, barking along to his laughing.  "I beat you, Sandy! I winned!"

"Emmett!" Robbie said from the living room where he was playing puzzles with three year old Amelia.  "Quit running around making all that noise, dammit."

"Robbie!" Christina called from the kitchen, with baby Christian on her hip.  She was busy rushing around the kitchen trying to getting their lunch together.  "Quit cussing in front of the kids."

"What's the big deal?" Robbie shrugged.  "My folks used to cuss in front of me all the damn time.  No harm done."

"Dammit!" Emmett yelled as he ran up to his mommy and hugged her legs.

Christina patted Emmett's head.  "Take a guess why."  

"Oh yeah."

"I swear," Christina hugged her little boy.  "This is your own mini me over here."  She bent down until she was close to Emmett.  "Sweetie, that's not a nice word.  We don't say that, okay?"

Emmett pointed at Robbie.  "But Daddy says it all the time.  Why can he say it?"

"Cause your daddy is a P-A-I-N in the A-S-S." Christina said.  "and you're a good boy, aren't you?"

"I'm a good boy." Emmett said proudly, running back to Robbie and Amelia.  "Right, Daddy?"

"Da--darm right.  Chip off the old man." Robbie said.

Christina addressed the room. "Kids, come get some lunch."  She sat the baby in his high chair and served the lunch with Robbie's help.

"Yuck!" Emmett pouted as he picked at his food.  "I don't like baloney."

"Why?" Robbie said as he ate his food.  "It's yummy."

"You liked it yesterday."  Christina said as she fed Christian some baby food.  "Eat your food, sweetie."

Amelia joined in.  "I don't like it too! Yuck!"

Robbie nodded at his little girl.  "Big surprise, she always has to follow big brother over here." He gave her a kiss on top of her head.  "That's my little princess."

Christina sat and watched as her family talked with the occasional bickering.  The kids looked so much like their father.  They all had his bright green eyes and chestnut colored hair. Yet they inherited her feistiness and spunk.  She was glad, they were surely going to need it in this crazy world.   It seemed like yesterday when she first found out that Emmett was on the way and she would be a mother, now he was joined by two siblings who were growing faster by the day.  Where did the time go?

Right now Christina was taking some time off from modeling.  After Emmett was born she was able to get back into it and had a successful career.  Now with three kids she wanted to put her focus on them while working on her clothing line.   When she got pregnant with Amelia they decided to move to a house large enough to accommodate their growing family.  The extra room was more than welcome.

Robbie was also having good success with his acting.  He had already done a couple of movies and was currently working on a hit TV show.  After several years Christina was surprised that they were still together in love. Their passion hadn't faded a bit over time.  Life was pretty sweet in the Kay household.

After lunch, while Robbie cleaned up the table with Emmett and Amelia, Christina carried the baby to his nursery for his nap.  As she laid him in his crib and patted his back she thought about how blessed she was to have a large family of her own.   Her kids were her life and heart, she was amazed that she and Robbie had created three little angels. 

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