It's Not A Date

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"Everywhere I go, he's always on my mind.

I'm going crazy about him lately.

And I can't help myself from how my heart is racing."

Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus) "He Could Be The One."

Christina stared at the door as it slammed shut. She didn't get Robbie. One minute he was real close to her, the next he was running away from her like she was a contagious disease he didn't want to catch. What was his problem?

Sandy sat near the door of Robbie's room, just watching her.

"Come on, Sandy," she sighed. She replaced the blankets on his bed, then retrieved her picture. This was one of her favorites, she was glad to have it back.

After returning it to her portfolio Christina lay back on her bed and thought about what happened earlier. She could still feel his warmth against her skin, his hard muscles. Why did she move against him like that? She had never done anything like that before. She was shocked at herself for being so forward. These feelings were so strange though.

Yet it felt so amazing, having him beneath her like that, it felt like she was in charge. It was even more exciting when he flipped them around so he was on top. Feeling his hardness. She wondered how far he would have gone. The thought was almost terrifying. Was she ready to go that far?

Then she remembered all those condoms in that drawer. He obviously had a long record when it came to women. A total fuckboy. She must have gotten him so hot and bothered he had to go running off to one of his girls right now.

Christina froze as she imagined him gazing with that wicked smirk while tearing off her clothes. Then his. Flipping her on the bed, climbing on top, kissing her, moving inside. . .

The door slammed.

Christina jumped. She rushed into the living room and found Robbie standing there popping open a beer. "Hi."

"Oh hey," he turned to her, his weird mood gone. He seemed more relaxed. Must have been from whatever he did to that girl, Christina thought, feeling a little jealous.

"Hey," Robbie stood in front of her. "You feel like getting out of this place for a while? Wanna see a movie?"

"A movie?" Christina was surprised. "Like a date?"

Robbie scoffed. She could see the red blush spread across his face. "No, not a date. I just thought you'd like a night out, have a little fun, that's all. It's not a date." He scoffed again.

"What else would you call it?" Christina asked.

Robbie rolled his eyes. "A night out on the town. We can stop at Five Guys after, get some dinner. That new Star Wars movie is out, The Force Awakens. I figured you'd want to go check it out, that's all."

Yes! Christina had been wanting to see that movie. Plus it would be nice to get out and have some fun, even if it wasn't a date. "Okay, sure," she smiled. "I'd love to."

Robbie smiled too, which tugged at her heart for some reason. He was like an innocent young boy when he smiled. "Well, great. Grab your stuff and let's go. Do you need to change or anything?"

"Just give me a minute." Christina rushed into her room. She had just bought a vintage Star Wars T-shirt that she was looking forward to wearing. She put it on, then added a mini denim skirt and yellow sneakers.

"Ready?" Robbie asked, looking her up and down with a smile. "You look great."

"Thanks." Christina was flattered. "I'm ready."

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