Let's Play

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That night neither of them could sleep. They tossed and fretted in their own beds while their minds were restless.

Robbie lay in his bed dwelling on the evening. He was so pissed. Things were going great. The dinner and the movie was awesome. Then that dickless buttwipe had to go and talk to Christina, leering at her like he wanted a taste with his thirsty ass. Maybe she was flirting with him, he didn't know.

Robbie couldn't help himself, he just lost it. He felt like a grand prize idiot. Did she appreciate it? You're welcome.


Robbie set his mind on rewind trying to replay the last several hours. Remembering. . .

Did he call Christina his woman?

He sat up sharply, feeling his blood turn cold. No, no, no. He wouldn't, he couldn't.

He did.

Robbie fell back against his pillow groaning. Shit shit shit! Why did he call her that? Why, why, why? Stupid, stupid, stupid! Now Christina was gonna think he liked her.

Didn't he?

Robbie kicked his covers. Dammit! She was getting in his brain and his blood like a bad virus. She stayed in his mind all the time. In the morning, through the day, at night, in his dreams. Even when he was fucking his other girls, Christina was there. He had to admit she was better than Viagra any day.

No! He was not going to think about her. He was not going to get out of this bed and whack off in a freezing shower, again.

Yes he was.

Damn that landlord! This was his fault.

Meanwhile Christina lay in her bed next to Sandy, her mind on that Robbie. Did he call her naïve? And his woman? Who did he think he was anyway? Some fuckboy that wanted to get in her pants obviously. Like she was his damn property, something he owned. What a douche. He was no better than that dickwad that tried to pick her up.

Robbie wanted her for himself. That was it. He could screw the entire country but she had to be the good girl that sat on the shelf waiting for him.


She should have never told him that she was a virgin. God, why did she do that? Now he was going to think he was superior to her.

The more she lay there, the more riled she got. He had his nerve, acting all Neanderthal. He had another thing coming if he thought she was the Sweet Naïve Virgin he could own and dominate. Fuck him.

Robbie nearly overslept the next morning. Groggy, he dragged himself to the kitchen to find Christina polishing off a delicious breakfast. "Mornin," he mumbled before going to the stove for a plate.

There was nothing there.

"Uh, where's the breakfast?" Robbie asked Christina.

Christina didn't answer right away. She slowly took the last bite of her eggs then took her plate to the sink. "I just ate it." She went to the living room and pulled on her coat. He followed her.

"Yeah, I can see that. So where's mine?"

Christina returned to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. "It's right in here, babe. Eggs, bread. Whatever you fix."

Robbie scoffed. "Come on, quit playing. You know I gotta work early."

Christina folded her arms and stared him down. "Yeah, I know. I also know that I do not like the way you treat me."

Robbie stared at her in disbelief. "How I treat you? Me?"

"Yeah, you. I am not your personal property that you own."

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