Every Kiss Begins With Kay

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"You got me sprung
And I don't care who sees.
You got me, you got me."

Beyonce "Crazy in Love"

Christina could hear the other women giggling around Robbie. Damn, she couldn't leave him alone for a minute. Not that they've been separated much lately.

She left the bathroom and found Robbie surrounded by women. Only it wasn't him they were paying attention to. It was Sandy who sat in his lap while they petted and cooed over her. Sandy loved the affection. Her tongue hung out while she wagged her tail. Robbie looked like the proud daddy.

"She's so adorable." one girl said while scratching Sandy's ears.

"I want a puppy like her," said another. "but my boyfriend is allergic."

Christina smiled. She had never been so happy. Robbie had been by her side ever since his confession. No more late night sneaking out, no more smoking. Togetherness was the word of the day. Robbie had been more focused on their relationship. He was even more into his acting career. At home she would help him go over his lines and rehearse with him.

Today Robbie brought her onto the set with him. He introduced her to the other actors and crew. They and a few of his colleagues were all in his trailer. Small yet neat. Christina was very excited about seeing where he worked. At the moment Sandy was licking Robbie's face. He was already in full makeup and costume.

"Sandy," Christina scooped her up. "Don't mess up Daddy. It took a long time for him to look that good."

"Thanks a lot." Robbie sulked. "I'm naturally good looking, it doesn't take a lot of work."

"I know." Christina leaned over to give him a kiss. "You don't need the makeup."

"That's what I want to hear." They kissed. "Thanks for coming here. Having you around gives me inspiration."

"No problem," Christina was happy to come. She was so excited about seeing him act on her favorite show and meeting the other actors. "I am so glad you brought me here."

They kissed for a moment before they realized that they weren't alone. "Guys," Robbie said. "Wanna give us a moment?"

The other girls groaned in disappointment before leaving. Robbie sat Christina on his lap and they kissed for a while before Sandy started barking and whimpering.

"Jeez," Robbie sighed. "Sandy, you are such a cockblocker."

Christina swatted him. "Don't call my baby that."

"Well she is."

"Don't blame her. You have to be on set in a few minutes."

"I know. That's all it takes for a quickie."

Christina rolled her eyes. Her man was so insatiable.

"Robbie." someone boomed from outside his trailer. "You're on!"

"Coming!" he yelled back. "I wish," he whispered in Christina's ear.

"You are so bad," she said. "What about Sandy?"

"They'll take good care of her, she'll be fine here."

She positioned herself out of the way behind the director's chair and watched as Robbie acted. He was so good, she thought. He really got into his role, and he never missed a line. His performance was perfection, they didn't even need to do another take. She was so proud of him.

"Cut!" The director said. "I think we got it, Kay. You're on fire today."

"It's just a little inspiration," Robbie winked at Christina as he walked over.

"Well whatever it is, keep it up," the director said. "It's working for you."

"I know right." Robbie gave Christina a kiss on the cheek. "I have the best support system in the world right here, my lady."

"We have to take a break," the director told him. "No wandering off too far, Kay."

"I want to give Christina a tour of the set." Robbie said.

"Sure, just behave yourself."

Robbie took Christina's hand and led her around the set. She was impressed. Then he took her to a small bedroom located in a remote area. It was dark and no one was around. He led her over to a large bed.

"Robbie," Christina whispered. "Here?"

"Yeah," he said, removing his costume. "It's always been a fantasy of mine to do it on the set."

"Really? With your track record I'm surprised you didn't."

Robbie pulled her over to him. He pulled off her dress and began making love to her. Later, they snuggled in each other's arms.

"So what's going to happen to us?" Christina said, propped up on her elbow looking down at him. "Have you ever thought about the future?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you ever think about marriage and children?"

Robbie looked at her in a shocked manner. "Whoa, slow down. We just got together, let's just take things one day at a time."

"I thought you wanted a serious relationship too." Christina felt a little hurt by his reaction. He better not be playing her.

"I do, baby, I do," He touched her face. "But I don't think we should rush into the heavy stuff so soon."

"Heavy stuff?"

"I mean, sure I want to have kids someday, don't get me wrong. But we're just getting our careers started. Plus we're still young. Don't you want to just focus on us for a while?"

Christina thought about that. He did make sense. They were too young, they were just starting out. "I guess."

Robbie gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Come on, princess, we got all the time in the world. Let's not worry about that stuff."

They heard a voice clearing its throat and looked up. Colin was standing there in full costume.

"What the hell?" Robbie grabbed the covers and put them over Christina's body. "Nobody fucking knocks anymore?"

"I would but there's no door." Colin said. "They need you back on the set."

"Okay, tell them I'm on my way."

Colin stood there smirking at Robbie. "Sorry to interrupt your. . .break."

"Yeah, bye." Robbie said. "No three ways today."

They waited for Colin to leave before getting dressed. "Sorry about that," Robbie told her. "They're usually cool but now that I have true love they've been teasing me a lot."

Christina smiled. "Am I your true love?"

He kissed her. "Of course, love."

They went back on the set and once again Christina got to see Robbie perform his magic.

Later, while Robbie was home with Sandy, Christina went over to a department store. Her mind was full of suspicions that needed confirming. The reason why she asked Robbie about his intentions.

She walked down the aisles until she found the item she needed. After paying for it she went into the nearest ladies room and opened the item.

It was a pregnancy test.

Christina read the short instructions before taking it. She waited a few minutes for the results.

It was positive. Christina was pregnant with Robbie's baby.

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