The life of The Clock

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The Clock
It sits on a wall
Who's paint is chipped
And has seen many things

A happy couple
Just married
Moved into a brand
New house

They put a clock
On the wall
Above a table
Beside the stairs

The table now is
One leg slightly broken
It wobbles with the slightest breeze

There's a cry of a baby
As the door opens
The couple walk in
Holding the child

Their tired
But joy is on their faces
The lady cried with joy
The man just smiled

That door
No longer able to open
Without a sound
It creaks when it opens

The man is yelling
At a crying woman
The child runs down the stairs
Knocking the clock off the wall

The cogs break
Stopping the clock
As the man storms out of
That house leaving his family

The Clock
Forever broken
Its hands no longer ticking
As the door opens

It reveals a familiar face
She walks toward the clock
I'm sorry I broke you
She speaks softly

It won't happen again.
I know you heard and saw many things.
I know you stopped
When you broke because of me

Don't worry, she said, I'll take care of you
I promise.
She gently kissed the glass
And The Clock started to tick once more

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