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Please forget me
It'll make more room
For facts inside your brain
And it'll lighten your burdens

Please don't love me
You can't take it
I know you can't
Your heart isn't strong enough for me

Please hate me
I don't want any
Pity from you because of my pain
I don't mind being alone

Please kill me
What's the point of living
When people have proven
That I'm a nobody not meant for love

Please don't comfort me
It only makes the pain worse
Like a weight and loneliness
Depression is my fear

Please don't talk to me
Its a waste of time
Because I'm a self doubter
Because its a waste of breath

Please ignore me
And my worthless soul
It truly is worthless
And so am I

Please just please
Leave me alone
Because that's what I'm worth.

Poems From The Mind-COMPLETED Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin