Author Of My Works But Not My Words

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The breaking of lead
Eraser almost nothing
Words in my head

I write as an author
I read as a friend
I get inspired
My words never end

My story remains hidden
By the words I write
But the words aren't mine
And not from a website

My mind doesn't tell me
But a powerful being
He is without my seeing

If I say
The words are all mine
Then I'd be lying
And that's a terrible fine

I write the works
But I don't own the pen
Or the words
That live within

He controls my thoughts
God tells me what to say
And I understand
And try to obey

He made music
All you who sing the song
Or create a wordless melody
To him we all belong

He gives out our talents
Music, literature, art
He makes us special
So we can tell apart

He controls time
Not "Father time"
Like he controls the poet
And their rhyme

He controls the weather and seasons
Not "Mother Nature"
He comes into our lives
He makes us truly pure

Most of all
We never go alone
He's always there
Like he watches every stone

We know he loves
But some decide not to believe
Causing our Heavenly Father
To grieve

He loves us
Forever and always
And one day he shall
Carry us away

To the promise land.

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