Friends of mine

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Dear friends of mine

I would like you to know

That I'm always here for you

You can tell me your troubles

Your fears

You hopes and dreams

You can trust me

I'm not the best advisor

But I am a great listener

When you need me to be

I want you to know

I hold you dear to my heart

And though I seem a little distant

I'm not that far away

Ask me any question

And I shall answer

Tell me a story

An I will try to understand

Cry on my shoulder

When you are in need of support

When you are sad

Tell me and I will comfort you

I'll laugh with you

I'll stand up for you

Block you from harm

I care about you

And I hope you trust me

Don't hurt yourself

Its not worth it

Don't hurt others

It only brings more pain

Don't build walls

Because I promise you

I'll break them down with everything I've got

I love you

You'll always have a special place

In my heart



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