To the Depressed*

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This is for those who understand what depression is and its also to inform people how some of us feel. Thanks for reading.


Emptiness and pain
Causing it to be
Hard to breathe

We're hollow
On the inside
We are nothing
But pain and defeat

We fight everyday
Stay happy
We may look ok
But we truly aren't

Even though we don't say it
We long for the pain
To disappear
That's why we cut

Pain to take away the pain
We hate ourselves
To a point where we
Kill ourselves

We are in denial
When people complement
Our features or character
Because of self hate

People like me
Hide our depression
So well that
People don't believe we get depressed

Just because we get
Doesn't mean we hurt
Ourselves physically

We torture our minds
Mentally destroying
Till we end up ''dead"

Hey this goes out to everyone!

Don't hurt people you don't know what they may be going through. We need to love others more. It may save lives....

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