Forever Even If A Dream

18 6 1

Title is from a music app, it is not my own but it inspired me. Ok continue.

In the moment of peace
It was you and me
The gentle breeze by the lake
Underneath a great tree

We sit side by side
You holding my hand
I, falling asleep
Our hearts beat as one

I'd sigh and close my eyes
Listening to your heart beat
Its goes a mile a minute
But only because of me

I'd dance and sing to its
Beautiful beat
Your smile brings the
Happy out of my depressed shell

You hold me close to you
As if saying you'll never
Leave my side
Even when things get tough

The next day I would be
Smiling because of the
Moment I got to
See you again

My heart flutters
I get chills when you
Hold my hand in yours
Do you get the same feeling?

As we sat under the tree
By the lake
We been together all these years
You and me forever in peace

Suddenly you get on one knee
I cry of happiness
Because I've waited forever for this moment
You smile and say

I remember our first hug
Our first kiss
Our first date
Our first wish

I remember how I hated seeing you
Hurting and depressed
I remember all the times you
Were mad and how my heart broke

I dream about you every night
And this has been a dream
For me forever
But its a dream worth dreaming

Now please
Forever even if a dream
Will you please, my love,
Marry me?

I didn't care for the ring
As long as its you and me
Yes, I said, I love you
Forever even if a dream.

Poems From The Mind-COMPLETED Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon