
21 6 1

Basically just me...:)...ENJOY


Crying my heart out;
Because I fell in live
Because I lost a friend
Because I don't feel love
Because of what they said
Because I'm depressed
Because I miss someone
Because I hate myself to the breaking point
Because music reminds me of my life
Because my friends turn on me
Because I live alone
Because I'm angry
Because I hate the world
Because humans annoy me
Because I'm holding back everything
Because I'm not strong enough on my own
Because I'm scared and alone
Because its too quiet
Because I'm a girl
Because I'm dying and no one can save me
Because someone say things that aren't true or hurtful
Because I'm "weak"
Because I'm hurting
Because nobody understands me
Because nobody believes me
Because words can't express what I feel
Because I run out of time
Because I'm stressed
Because my "friends" leave me for other people
Because I hate being alone
Because I can't help but to cry
Because I'm not good enough for people
Because I'm forgetful
Because of a sad book
Because I get into a fight and it ends badly
Because I get into trouble
Because I can't........

And the list goes on
Because it has no end
Because there are too many reasons
Because I have too many because's
Because I'm living
Because I'm already dead inside
Just because of because....

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