Darkness (ballad)

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Remember the light we saw
When we were little
We watched it fall
Down to the earth disappearing

Well it never rose again, old friend
Yet we still wait for it to rise
We might never see it till the end
Even if we die after we see it

But now we're stuck in darkness
Alone in the pitch blackness
And yet this is strangeness
Is the light friendless?

The horizon never shedding light
As we watch it carefully
Try as we might
We fall down trying to pull the light up

But now we're stuck in darkness
Alone in the pitch blackness
And yet this is strangeness
Is the light friendless?

Where oh, where did you go
Hiding away
Or in the snow
We're trapped in darkness

Darkness, we're trapped in you
Please oh, please set the light free
Because all we need is a flicker
And darkness becomes shadows

But now we're stuck in darkness
Alone in this pitch blackness....

Oh, but now we're stuck in darkness
Light kill this pitch blackness
Don't leave us with this strangeness
We know you aren't friendless

We watch the horizon
As the world comes to light
Our new lives have begun and
The darkness will never be the same.

Poems From The Mind-COMPLETED Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz